Monday, February 19, 2007

The Weekend playing

Sunday was spent out at the dam playing in the water. We tied rope to old thongs (so it would float) and waxed the old surfboard up.
Our friends Hope and Christian joined us. This made a total of three adult males - all called Chris. The Chris' soon mastered the surfboard.
Jay amused himself in the water with his lifejacket.
William loved it.
A pontoon became our water base.
When you drop the rope - you have to paddle back towards it. For William with small arms this was not an easy task. But he seemed to love it just the same.
We had a secret "watcher" who let us get very close.
Back at the picnic area I enthralled Hope with my fishing stories. (I have no idea why cameras keep making me look old and fat)We all ate BBQ and Hope and I drank wine and admired our surroundings. Hope was funny as on the surfboard! Eventually she threw the surfboard INTO the boat and told us to just drag her on the rope. She and the surfboard... just didnt get along.
At home the wine, sun, water and cooking... could of had the best of me. Here I am annoying Sara and her trying to get some help from her sister.
Wonderful fun times!


SzélsőFa said...

You might be thinking of making a photo of all Chris's. Or you have already have that at your own. :)

Still it sounds AND LOOKS you all had fun in the water.
Enjoy your summer!

Melly` said...

Ahhh... Szelsofa - here at the tropic of capricorn so close to the ocean - we dont really have a winter. When I moan about winter - it is 21C in the day and falls to about 15C at night when I am safely in my warm bed. Further inland they do get frosts and cold. I simply dont do cold anymore.
We have had wonderful "northerner" visitors (one posts as anonymous on here) who SWAM in our winter. I had to keep begging my visitors to get out of the water because it was winter.. and they would laugh at me.
I prefer fishing and boating in winter because it isnt so damn hot!

Cazzie!!! said...

A pic of all three Chris'would be cool.
The pics you shared are awesome, always nice to see these, and the words to go with it very apt :)

SzélsőFa said...

Well, I would not swim when it's only 21...but your explanation was really needed.
Here a nd now it's about between zero and 5 and it is an EXTREMELY MILD winter.

Anonymous said...

G'day! Well I would post with my nic but hell if i can ever remember who I signed up as let alone my password so anon I shall remain :-). Ahhh but it WAS a hot day when I swam Mel, honest! I am sure it was around 25 at least! how come I didn't get to water ski eh? Now I am jealous cuz that I CAN DO! When I was a tyke I skied all summer long. Have even skied in the Atlantic here when I was bold enough to beg a stranger who had a boat. Skied also in Jamaica. *sigh* suppose now I will have to return eh. p.s. I also have the same problem with cameras; who is that old lady that jumps in front of the lense? Mere imposter I say. Old Hag! Anyway.....keep your beautiful self safe and hugssss to you and all of your wonderful family.

Melly` said...

Cazzie & SzélsőFa -I guess I can get a photo of the three Chris's at the party. I was hoping they would play "bouncers" at the upcoming party. However from the sound of it - they just plan to have fun too.

Oh Rox - there should be a bloody law about that old hag who keeps messing up my photos? Now - we finally have a boat motor good enough to kinda ski.... so hurry up... come back!