Thursday, July 12, 2007

Gardening in winter

Our days are 20C and so not too unpleasant - just not the weather for swimming and the necessity to keep a cardigan handy is a bit of a nuisance. But it wont be long before the proper weather returns. I should feel sorry for all those people who live in real cold winters - but I cant. I am too busy wishing for proper summer back on me again.

Selfish what?

Anyway here is my tomatoes in the middle of our winter. (Taken with a new Fujifilm A610 we bought today for $149 - the fourth Fujifim camera this family has bought and never been unhappy with - BUT - remember when we bought the first for over $300 and thought that was cheap!)

The same place in summer I grew sunflowers and tomatoes is now dappled sunlight all day - but the smaller capsicum are thriving over there.

This chicken wire ugliness below was formerly a lovely bed of three Marguerite daisies, a red flowered thingo Anna bought me that looked like lantana to me, a dozen or so aloes, a half dozen full grown alyssum plants in beautiful flower and about the same ornamental (but edible) lettuce.... it looked beautiful. For one week.

And then school holidays started and the dogs got bored! and Rocky visited me at Kindy TWICE in one morning (meaning the kids left the gate open and let him out twice) and then they dug up the garden. Shredded the plants. Devastated it. I am hoping some of them will recover. In the meantime the ugly chicken wire is nailed to the sleepers at the top to deter them. My other fear is that they will try get in it.. hurt themselves when they land.. and I will have a vet bill again. Life is never too dull here.

I think the dogs resented the kids camping in front of the television while I was at work - and even though they had resisted misbehaving for months while I was at work - that was just too much neglect for them. I knew my dogs can see me at work - I can see them standing on the front gate watching me when I am in the yard with the children. But to get to me Rocky had to cross the bridge over the train tracks, the traffic lights and then come find the room I work in. The children who were awake when he visited where most impressed and ask me about him every day. I understand perfectly "Wha woof?" (or "where is woof?") and one kid points to any dog and tells me it is "Rocky".

Anyway - it is nice to have a cheap camera that I can take anywhere again. Anna finally sent hers off to be repaired (months that took her until I yelled that soon the warranty would be expired) and MOTH complained that the camera I really want would be not so practical for our boating expeditions and even for my desire to use it at Kindy for photos of the kids for their end of year brag books.

I just cant fault the Fujifim camera's for their reliability, their wonderful prompt repairs if anything does go wrong, extensive warranty and absolute ease of use. And having my daughters and us with the same cameras is just so easy with the accessories. Our digital rechargeable batteries are over three years old now and still going strong. So easy - so cheap.


Ginnie said...

Your weather sounds delightful. We are sweltering in the humid heat and I don't know how the original Southerners did it before air conditioning. It makes me appreciate Scarlet O'Hara all the more!

little things said...

It is so hot in Texas, I am sticking to everything I touch. I must be getting old, I could stand it before, and can't any longer.
Or maybe it's that I'm not in love.
You know how grouchy you get when you're not getting any.

SzélsőFa said...

it is amazing that in this world of digital cameras, there are people who decide on buying traditional ones (?), I bow my head before them....

And you should not feel sorry for us for the real tough winters over here. They are absolutely useful for the soil, and for the next year's production.
I like when its all clear and visible and simple.
Summer is fun, but a bit over of too much of everything.
Winter is a clean cut, order-set perfection. I'm talking of 15 degrees BELOW zero.

Boysenberry said...

*Grumbles* Bloody woman, bragging about 20C winters... sitting here, -5C... growing bloody tomatoes...humph!


Just Me said...

Hey Mel,

Wow those are the tommies you planted when we were there on holiday.. they sure grew well...getting much fruit?

Glad you got another camera, we look forward to many new photographs now :D

Winter is in its last throws I think... wont be long now :)