Friday, November 10, 2006

Dickens style boarding schools in Australia

Jane rang today upset because her boarding school had decided that her punishment for not attending dinner time - was that she could not have dinner. (She has told us in the past of similar punishments - I confess I simply didnt believe her. Who the fook doesnt feed kids now days as a punishment? That went out with the dark ages? Or not)

I spoke to her immediate supervisor who defended the decision that because Jane was eight minutes late no dinner - but common room food that was available (toast, cereal and fruit) was acceptable.

I said I didnt think it a suitable punishment. I suggested there would be other more suitable punishments. Jane doesnt eat cereal, only eats fruit if you sneak it into something and.. has never been fond of toast. Supervisor referred me to the boarding boss. I rang, and got the answering machine. An hour or more later (our dinner time.. boarding school dinner time must be like 5.30 pm)

I went to bed hungry only once in my life. It was my stepfathers form of punishment. And it was horrid. I would wish it on no one.

Boarding boss confirmed.. decision stood.. it was acceptable punishment. Jane was late to dinner therefore she gets none. She can eat toast and fruit. In the common room. Of course if there is any left.

I said I completely disagreed with that punishment and was sure another more appropriate one could be used. She said ... then you speak to the school principal Monday. I said I will. I also suggested that I dont think the Department of Community Services etc would advocate not feeding children dinner as a punishment. She said toast and cereal were perfectly appropriate food.

Remember - boarding schools promise to educate our children for the future. In future I do not want my daughters eating toast for dinner.

I got very angry. I want claps for not swearing. May the horrible cow eat toast and cereal for dinner for the rest of her life. Or at least the week.

Jane wasnt aware I was on the phone trying to defend her. Jane took matters into her own hands. And pissed off and walked into town to buy her own dinner.

While I cooked our dinner... Jane's father rang Anna (older sister) to tell her he was cranky with Jane and wanted her to come home to me... but wasnt game to talk to me now. Good move. Hot pokers and nasty thoughts definately come to my mind.

Jane then rang me... she has been told by cow superviser that she is to be given her "exit course" from said school.

ehh - Jane should of been on time for dinner. She should be punished for not being on time - I can agree with that. But toast? and fucking Milo? Apples and cereal? With no milk? Why cant she just help cook for a week? Peel some potatoes? Do an extra round of housekeeping? The old emu duty... pick up papers on the oval? Hell make her write lines.. she has beautiful handwriting.

Would YOU starve a kid as a punishment? Have you ever tried to sleep hungry?

Jane is no angel. Apparantly she was upset another girl was threatening her and thats why she was late to dinner. Jane claims the cook was still in residence when Jane was sent away. I dont think parents should have to fret that our kids are being taught toast is ok for dinner.....when we pay them to educate the kids.

And wow.. I am really drunk and cranky about this.


Boysenberry said...

Yeah, not sure if removing dinner is the best punishment...

Cazzie!!! said...

Well done for not looisng your cool, I would probably not be so calm. My kids, when they are in the shit, get sent to their rooms but I do not deny them dinner, they get to eat it on their own in their room at that time.
I just read an article that states that the Private Schools here in Victoria are upping their fees by about 7%, is that true of your daughters school too? Geelong Grammar will be almost 40grand a yeart o have kids live full time there.

Melly` said...

Thank you both of you. Reading that must of been torture.

i THINK make Jane help the cook at school for a week would be a better punishment - see the effort involved in feeding 100 girls MIGHT be more beneficial to WHY the girls have to arrive on time?

The arrangements with my ex (defacto - I have never and will never marry) for the kids - basically come down to he pays for Jane I (err we) pay for these two kids. Excepting for female type stuff like bra's and other .. err stuff.. cause SHE WONT ASK HIM FOR THEM - so I deal with them at school holidays... which she usually spends with me. Or she uses her chemist account. Which I found the raspberry flavoured condoms on.... which... oh hell teenagers can be nightmares. (She is soooooooo lucky her father doesnt read those accounts)

It will all sort it self out. But thanks heaps for commenting. I appreciate that.