The house we live in is the same size as a postage stamp.
Ok - Sometimes I take poetic license to extremes. But it is small.
All my younger children are home again.
That is good - because I love them and I like them near. That is also bad because three bedrooms , two proper adults (well we like to think we are), two largish dogs, one teenage boy and two teenage girls in a three bedroom house poses problems. A normal family would probably say - well the two girls share one room and the son in the other. That doesn't work here.
The girls would kill each other.
Jane got fired from MacDonald's. The maintenance worker told of the girls giving away free food... thus misappropriating... and I guess stealing from their employer. Of course it is stealing. My apologies there.
Jane tells me she wants to go back to school. Firstly we sent her to boarding school because she was difficult to make go to school... then I did the six months drag her out of bed and make her go to school thing... and then she quits and works full time... and its not that I don't think she is smart. It is not that I don't think she is smarter than most people.
It is just that she has blown chance after chance after chance.... and this time... sure come home.. sure Mum will fix it... but this time you need a vocation choice... even if it isn't her immediate choice...
And Jane don't listen to the others who tell you.... oh its ok Jane I stole - I cut myself and I didn't fight depression and fucked up.
And Jane don't listen to your stepfather who is just fed up with my antics and my children's antics and he just wants a decent boat.
And Jane don't listen to your older sister who acts like a little cuckoo bird.. you know she stinks at sharing.
Just once Jane.. listen to your mother. Just stick at something, I don't care what it is really - there are avenues to anything if you really want it... and just don't .. just don't steal.
My horror hasn't left from the first time. (Stealing I mean) First my absolute denial... when someone close warned me she was I said... No Way - not one of my kids. Then the betrayal... I stole because my parents wouldn't give me what I needed... when she was stealing stuff for babies and dolls....???? The... absolute horror of the whole thing... the female detective losing her temper with her when she refused to answer or rolled her eyes... her own solicitor getting cranky at her for her spoilt behaviour....
And this time... knowing I cant say much... but knowing just from her attitude that she doesn't seem to understand that giving her friends free food from the company... is stealing. I cant say... FOR FUCKS SAKE DO NT STEAL.... I cant make it worse.
But I gotta pretend every things just fine as I figure out how to get her some other kind of training/job... then Anna's and William's (albeit smaller but still real) problems and not lose my temper at my own job.....while my partner faces instability in his job.
She slept all day today and when she did wake... she asked me for a driving lesson just before she knew I had friends due to arrive. There was no fuel in the manual car... and it takes me ages to prepare for guests. If she had of asked me in the morning there would of been no problem.
I just feel so bad... I never make her happy.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The letter... after yet another ghastly event
The Chief Executive Officer
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Local Law No 3 – Keeping and control of animals
We deny that Rocky is a dangerous dog and regard him as both a loyal family member and necessary protector of our property. His presence is a deterrent to break ins, robberies and trespass that occur in our neighbourhood. The vacant and abandoned property that is (blank address) has had a regular traffic of vagrants and homeless people and thefts in our area are a regular occurrence.
Rocky hasn’t a dangerous nature. He is friend to all and I regularly take him to my work at a local childcare centre to meet with the children. Our teenage children and ourselves have regular and frequent visitors to which Rocky is known as a gentle and obedient dog. His interactions with other dogs have been extensive in his 6 years and he loves to play with other dogs.
The “acquired sufficient evidence” as sited in the letter from council on the 14th January is information that we should be given.
The incident in which the local law officer visited our premises on the Sunday morning 4th December prior to 9 am occurred at approximately 4.30pm the previous day, and had unusual circumstances to it.
The neighbours of (blank address) have in the past had two dogs - Sam* and Leah* who are both Jack Russell’s. Rocky and these dogs have had a pleasant relationship. Both Sam and Leah have in the past regularly and often managed to make holes to come into our yard and the street. Rocky played with them. Indeed, the three of them could be counted on to warn both houses of any visitors. Countless times I and other members of my family have put them back into their yard and repaired the small holes.
The neighbours informed Christian that they had obtained the tiny fluffy dog as a charitable exercise for the RSPCA.
The new dog has not been very neighbourly. He yapps constantly when he is alone and consistently at any activity in our yard; is aggressive at the fence and marks his territory along the fence line.
On the Saturday afternoon of the 3rd Rocky was in the front yard with MOTH on their way to the car for Rockys’ regular run up the hill. The neighbours walked past with the new dog and Rocky uncharacteristically ran to the new dog and picked him up by the neck and shook him before Christian realised what he was doing. Rocky was acting like a dog – affirming his position in the pack – or his territory.
We were told by your local law officer that the small dog suffered a few puncture marks that were treated at the vets. We saw the small dog only half an hour later happily standing up looking out the window in his owners’ car. The next day the small dog was happily yapping along our fence line aggressive at my hanging out the washing. Daily since, the little dog has shown by his aggressive and healthy antics at our fence that he suffered no permanent injury and in fact displays a perverse and continuing antagonistic behaviour towards all members of our family.
Whilst I concede Rockys’ actions must of been utterly terrifying to the owners and we regret the incident occurred, the actions of Rocky were entirely within a dogs instincts. The little dog suffered minimal injuries as to just consideration to the size difference of the two dogs. I firmly believe that if Rocky had of wanted to be harmful to the little dog more considerable injuries would of been inflicted.
Rocky is a delightful ageing dog who loves to please us and loves to socialise. He warns of intruders and then greets them warmly once they are inside our gates or doors. The little dog next door displays aggression and constant noise which would of encouraged Rockys’ not so friendly actions to show the little dog who has dominance in the territory. The little dog has not in any way been affected or shown any sign of stopping his dominant behaviour. Rocky will be leashed in future on the way to the car for his exercise trips to avoid any further conflict with the little dog.
The little dogs’ behaviour has been of annoyance to our household and still is. Under normal circumstances I would never complain because we really do love and understand dogs’ behaviour. Our neighbours do not attempt to modify or discourage this dogs’ behaviour in any way even though their previous dogs were sweet little things that obeyed commands and shushed when I told them too.
If the story that the little dog came from the RSPCA is true – I have a fairly good idea how it came about being there. I personally don’t believe the story because I have never understood these neighbours to be charitable in any way.
Ok... so best I edit the last two paragraphs! Of course I changed the names of the other dogs to protect the innocent! They have been missing pretty much since the new .... pure bred fluffy thing...I think its a pomeranian?... awfully cute....arrived....
I have never liked these neighbours (Oh except their kids I mean - I adore the two girls - they have moved out though. Smart kids too.)
People can just be so horrid.
You know... Rocky and Dotti occasionally get into tassles together. Not often - but sometimes. Rocky likes to fight Moose up the road who is a possibility as one of his fathers... along with Digger, Teddy and that brown dog up the road that we called Sam. Rocky just LOVED fighting out at the Brady's farm. Just loved it. There is not often blood... just the flash of teeth and show of aggression. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Dotti likes to fight people too... but there is never any blood unless you are stupid enough to pull your hand away too fast from her mouth.
I throw my drinks at my dogs when they fight too madly. They are big and they break things if they get too carried away. It also horrifies guests. I mean it... horrifies them. Especially because we don't ever get worried by it until they are close to something they can break. The quick shock of the liquid makes the fight over.
Anyway.. if this one is hanged on Rocky we have to pay a mad yearly fee to have a dangerous dog - he has to be muzzled in public, he has to be desexed (I wont mind that one - it is MOTH who insists he isn't... Dotti is desexed) and we have to have signs saying he is dangerous... he will have to wear a tag saying he is dangerous... I already have the big fences etc....
Bloody hell. People are arseholes. I have always disliked this neighbour but MOTH can't help being nice to people he shouldn't be.
This town and dogs are a bit of a disaster. Dogs are banned from almost anywhere. The dog park is usually absolutely feral with knee high grass, sandflies and is located near the rubbish dump.
Once Rocky got put in the pound for his indiscretions with the lady dogs - and when I picked him up he was in a cage with a pure bred husky bitch humping her... and the poundkeeper tried to kick him off her... That incident meant I had trouble with Rocky and any van vehicle that looked like the pound keeper... he thought the pound visit was fantastic and wanted to go again.
Another time I tried to deny it was Rocky the pound man was complaining about and claimed he was at home all night. Sadly, the pound man had Rockys collar as proof of his whereabouts. Embarrassment much.
I gave MOTH a terrible time about this incident. I blamed him because MOTH just consistently does this... he loves Rocky too and doesnt seem to forsee trouble. Actually, I think I have been really mean to MOTH. And it is silly because .. well I love MOTH. I just wish to hell that he hadnt trusted Rocky out the front when we knew Rocky was having a hard time with the little dog.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Local Law No 3 – Keeping and control of animals
We deny that Rocky is a dangerous dog and regard him as both a loyal family member and necessary protector of our property. His presence is a deterrent to break ins, robberies and trespass that occur in our neighbourhood. The vacant and abandoned property that is (blank address) has had a regular traffic of vagrants and homeless people and thefts in our area are a regular occurrence.
Rocky hasn’t a dangerous nature. He is friend to all and I regularly take him to my work at a local childcare centre to meet with the children. Our teenage children and ourselves have regular and frequent visitors to which Rocky is known as a gentle and obedient dog. His interactions with other dogs have been extensive in his 6 years and he loves to play with other dogs.
The “acquired sufficient evidence” as sited in the letter from council on the 14th January is information that we should be given.
The incident in which the local law officer visited our premises on the Sunday morning 4th December prior to 9 am occurred at approximately 4.30pm the previous day, and had unusual circumstances to it.
The neighbours of (blank address) have in the past had two dogs - Sam* and Leah* who are both Jack Russell’s. Rocky and these dogs have had a pleasant relationship. Both Sam and Leah have in the past regularly and often managed to make holes to come into our yard and the street. Rocky played with them. Indeed, the three of them could be counted on to warn both houses of any visitors. Countless times I and other members of my family have put them back into their yard and repaired the small holes.
The neighbours informed Christian that they had obtained the tiny fluffy dog as a charitable exercise for the RSPCA.
The new dog has not been very neighbourly. He yapps constantly when he is alone and consistently at any activity in our yard; is aggressive at the fence and marks his territory along the fence line.
On the Saturday afternoon of the 3rd Rocky was in the front yard with MOTH on their way to the car for Rockys’ regular run up the hill. The neighbours walked past with the new dog and Rocky uncharacteristically ran to the new dog and picked him up by the neck and shook him before Christian realised what he was doing. Rocky was acting like a dog – affirming his position in the pack – or his territory.
We were told by your local law officer that the small dog suffered a few puncture marks that were treated at the vets. We saw the small dog only half an hour later happily standing up looking out the window in his owners’ car. The next day the small dog was happily yapping along our fence line aggressive at my hanging out the washing. Daily since, the little dog has shown by his aggressive and healthy antics at our fence that he suffered no permanent injury and in fact displays a perverse and continuing antagonistic behaviour towards all members of our family.
Whilst I concede Rockys’ actions must of been utterly terrifying to the owners and we regret the incident occurred, the actions of Rocky were entirely within a dogs instincts. The little dog suffered minimal injuries as to just consideration to the size difference of the two dogs. I firmly believe that if Rocky had of wanted to be harmful to the little dog more considerable injuries would of been inflicted.
Rocky is a delightful ageing dog who loves to please us and loves to socialise. He warns of intruders and then greets them warmly once they are inside our gates or doors. The little dog next door displays aggression and constant noise which would of encouraged Rockys’ not so friendly actions to show the little dog who has dominance in the territory. The little dog has not in any way been affected or shown any sign of stopping his dominant behaviour. Rocky will be leashed in future on the way to the car for his exercise trips to avoid any further conflict with the little dog.
The little dogs’ behaviour has been of annoyance to our household and still is. Under normal circumstances I would never complain because we really do love and understand dogs’ behaviour. Our neighbours do not attempt to modify or discourage this dogs’ behaviour in any way even though their previous dogs were sweet little things that obeyed commands and shushed when I told them too.
Ok... so best I edit the last two paragraphs! Of course I changed the names of the other dogs to protect the innocent! They have been missing pretty much since the new .... pure bred fluffy thing...I think its a pomeranian?... awfully cute....arrived....
I have never liked these neighbours (Oh except their kids I mean - I adore the two girls - they have moved out though. Smart kids too.)
People can just be so horrid.
You know... Rocky and Dotti occasionally get into tassles together. Not often - but sometimes. Rocky likes to fight Moose up the road who is a possibility as one of his fathers... along with Digger, Teddy and that brown dog up the road that we called Sam. Rocky just LOVED fighting out at the Brady's farm. Just loved it. There is not often blood... just the flash of teeth and show of aggression. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Dotti likes to fight people too... but there is never any blood unless you are stupid enough to pull your hand away too fast from her mouth.
I throw my drinks at my dogs when they fight too madly. They are big and they break things if they get too carried away. It also horrifies guests. I mean it... horrifies them. Especially because we don't ever get worried by it until they are close to something they can break. The quick shock of the liquid makes the fight over.
Anyway.. if this one is hanged on Rocky we have to pay a mad yearly fee to have a dangerous dog - he has to be muzzled in public, he has to be desexed (I wont mind that one - it is MOTH who insists he isn't... Dotti is desexed) and we have to have signs saying he is dangerous... he will have to wear a tag saying he is dangerous... I already have the big fences etc....
Bloody hell. People are arseholes. I have always disliked this neighbour but MOTH can't help being nice to people he shouldn't be.
This town and dogs are a bit of a disaster. Dogs are banned from almost anywhere. The dog park is usually absolutely feral with knee high grass, sandflies and is located near the rubbish dump.
Once Rocky got put in the pound for his indiscretions with the lady dogs - and when I picked him up he was in a cage with a pure bred husky bitch humping her... and the poundkeeper tried to kick him off her... That incident meant I had trouble with Rocky and any van vehicle that looked like the pound keeper... he thought the pound visit was fantastic and wanted to go again.
Another time I tried to deny it was Rocky the pound man was complaining about and claimed he was at home all night. Sadly, the pound man had Rockys collar as proof of his whereabouts. Embarrassment much.
I gave MOTH a terrible time about this incident. I blamed him because MOTH just consistently does this... he loves Rocky too and doesnt seem to forsee trouble. Actually, I think I have been really mean to MOTH. And it is silly because .. well I love MOTH. I just wish to hell that he hadnt trusted Rocky out the front when we knew Rocky was having a hard time with the little dog.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Survival - a matter of opinion
Anna and Schoolies week. The week High School graduates celebrate the end of their schooling.
Naturally - Anna got in trouble. She spent pretty much her entire high school life looking forward to this week and she got into immediate trouble. Arrested on the first night actually.
Cutting a long story short... She tells me she had lost her friends on the beach with the thousands of other schoolies, and when she came upon them they had already embarked on an altercation wherein one of her friends... (Laura - a very sweet girl) was being wrestled on the ground by a stranger who was pulling her hair. Anna immediately jumps in to defend her friend... and the police drag her off, handcuff her take her to the watch house and later arrest her.
When Anna told me the tale the day after she managed to make it all sound funny for me. Of course it wasn't.. it was horrible. There probably was a better way for Anna to react than to just jump into the fight.
Then I saw the pictures of Laura's injuries and I suddenly felt quite violent myself.
That incredible hunk of her hair pulled out by complete strangers?
I filled out Anna's court forms (we were on holidays for her court date) and she got a $250 public nuisance charge with no conviction recorded.
Later in schoolies week she managed to get herself a fine for drinking alcohol in a designated alcohol free zone. She probably wouldn't of got the fine if she hadn't of lied. Her friend admitted she was underage and just got a warning. Anna lied and said she was 18 and got the fine.
Anna returned from Schoolies adamant she had a wonderful time - notwithstanding the fact she has incurred considerable debt from her adventures.
Naturally - Anna got in trouble. She spent pretty much her entire high school life looking forward to this week and she got into immediate trouble. Arrested on the first night actually.
Cutting a long story short... She tells me she had lost her friends on the beach with the thousands of other schoolies, and when she came upon them they had already embarked on an altercation wherein one of her friends... (Laura - a very sweet girl) was being wrestled on the ground by a stranger who was pulling her hair. Anna immediately jumps in to defend her friend... and the police drag her off, handcuff her take her to the watch house and later arrest her.
When Anna told me the tale the day after she managed to make it all sound funny for me. Of course it wasn't.. it was horrible. There probably was a better way for Anna to react than to just jump into the fight.
Then I saw the pictures of Laura's injuries and I suddenly felt quite violent myself.
That incredible hunk of her hair pulled out by complete strangers?
I filled out Anna's court forms (we were on holidays for her court date) and she got a $250 public nuisance charge with no conviction recorded.
Later in schoolies week she managed to get herself a fine for drinking alcohol in a designated alcohol free zone. She probably wouldn't of got the fine if she hadn't of lied. Her friend admitted she was underage and just got a warning. Anna lied and said she was 18 and got the fine.
Anna returned from Schoolies adamant she had a wonderful time - notwithstanding the fact she has incurred considerable debt from her adventures.
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