Naturally - Anna got in trouble. She spent pretty much her entire high school life looking forward to this week and she got into immediate trouble. Arrested on the first night actually.
Cutting a long story short... She tells me she had lost her friends on the beach with the thousands of other schoolies, and when she came upon them they had already embarked on an altercation wherein one of her friends... (Laura - a very sweet girl) was being wrestled on the ground by a stranger who was pulling her hair. Anna immediately jumps in to defend her friend... and the police drag her off, handcuff her take her to the watch house and later arrest her.
When Anna told me the tale the day after she managed to make it all sound funny for me. Of course it wasn't.. it was horrible. There probably was a better way for Anna to react than to just jump into the fight.
Then I saw the pictures of Laura's injuries and I suddenly felt quite violent myself.
That incredible hunk of her hair pulled out by complete strangers?
I filled out Anna's court forms (we were on holidays for her court date) and she got a $250 public nuisance charge with no conviction recorded.
Later in schoolies week she managed to get herself a fine for drinking alcohol in a designated alcohol free zone. She probably wouldn't of got the fine if she hadn't of lied. Her friend admitted she was underage and just got a warning. Anna lied and said she was 18 and got the fine.
Anna returned from Schoolies adamant she had a wonderful time - notwithstanding the fact she has incurred considerable debt from her adventures.
That's terrible. Poor girl, how traumatic for her.
They fined Laura $500... but I didnt know that they didnt know how to fill out the forms... so because Laura expressed no remorse for defending herself that is why she got the larger fine....
Laura was also basically attacked for being the smallest in the group of semi intoxicated teenagers... (Anna and Laura did take drug tests and were both negative)
Blah - but the irony? They wanted this for so long.... and it turned out so horrible....
OMG, when I read she was going to schoolies I cringed..and I hope by the time my kids are old enough schoolies is not happening any more. What a bugger :(
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