Monday, August 13, 2007

Death of the cell phone - Or Mr Nobody strikes again

Last week the kids helped me bring in the groceries and a bag of stuff I had bought home from work to attend to. On the top of this latter bag I had stuck my cell phone, wallet and keys. Considerate kid did heap the bag onto the (already full) drainage rack beside the kitchen sink.

Some minutes later said cell phone was found taking a bath with the dirty dishes.

Nobody put the bag on the drainage rack. Uh-uh - all three confirm it was not them who put the bag ontop of the drainage rack. One day.. Mr Nobody.. one day... I will have my revenge.

Anyway - teenage daughter no 2 tells me that the phone will be fine... BECAUSE... she dropped her very expensive one in the SCHOOL TOILET a week or so back and when it dried out it worked fine. Same phone is in my name and has already been broken once and claimed on what was my perfect insurance record (barring an incident almost 20 years ago when my brother crashed my car)

"YOU didn't tell me that!" says I - in complete horror.

"Well duh, look how excited you get over your crappy phone!" Anna proceeds to take my phone apart to dry it.

"My phone has lasted me over SIX YEARS Anna!" I protest. (Ok so I only learnt my own number within the last year and can only just text message if you give me an hour to find all the keys - I like smspup - it is free and I can type the message on my keyboard)

My phone has not recovered. Sometimes I hear that annoying beep that means I have a message but the screen doesn't work at all.

Hope none of the text messages are important!

The LAST thing I feel like shopping for at the moment is a phone.

And of COURSE... for once my phone actually did have credit on it when the swimming incident occurred.


littlemissy555 said...

A friend of mine dropped her phone into a pot of boiling water while trying to cook pasta and talk on the phone at the same time...I think she was able to dry it out though. I hope you get an awesome new phone!

SzélsőFa said...

It's me again!

I hope you are allright - come and visit me if you have time, for you are the winner of the Take a close look competition, #3.

Melissa said...

Argh! Mister Nobody, I'm shaking my fist at you!