Monday, August 27, 2007

I better record what is happening...

Daughters' No2 and 3 are at their biological father's place. (When I am feeling nasty I call him the sperm donor.)

Hard to feel nasty about someone going through something as dramatic as this. Saturday morning all registered horse workers were advised that no racehorse could be transported ANYWHERE. Complete quarantine. A dozen horses all wanting to go to their training and racing.... confined to their stables. Rotten luck and timing. A million possibilities and things to be thought about. But definitely nice that the girls chose to be with their father and try to help him.

Rumours are rife - I have done a little fretting. It is a tough industry but... will it raise prices or bring them down? How the heck will Spermdonor survive this if it goes on for too long? How badly will our investments suffer? Could we benefit from it if we be a little cautious now? I am pretty sure his position is safe for some time. Why do I stay in love with such a fickle industry? Why the heck didn't we push the issue of his retirement to a property that allowed greater movement more?

The thing I really LOVE - is his girls stood by him during what would be a terrible worrying time for him. Not that he is concerned about the equine flu... it shouldn't affect him... but the ban on movement stops all racing, training, spelling and will make his life so much harder. A dozen antsy racehorses in their stables wanting to get out. And they cant go anywhere.

OK - so the girls get off a few days school helping dad out. I choose not to believe that is their reasons for helping. It makes me happier.

And William alone is so much easier than his sisters. I can feed him toasted sandwiches and he is happy. I don't seem to have mad amounts of work to do. No one is stressing me about what they want to wear or why I have to play taxi a half dozen times tomorrow.

Shame school is so important. I kinda like the girls looking after their Dad.

The dogs however seem to be annoyed the girls are not home. One of them chewed up Jane's mattress.. so I turned the mattress over and made the bed. It looks fine to me. Both dogs claim they didn't do it. I speak fluent naughty dog as well as toddler.

On the weekend my friend Hope visited unexpectedly. I was meant to visit her on Sunday - but shit happened and I never got there. I should of rang or something - but I didn't. My claim is emotional exhaustion. Too many things happening.

I adore my kids at work. I suspect that seeing this is my first foray into childcare somehow I just received the best kids ever. They are so funny - so loving - a couple so brilliant.... some not so brilliant but... oh I dunno.

Adult People aren't bugging me as badly as they usually do. Things that would normally annoy me... don't seem to be.

I haven't shook this flu. I am still snotty and croaky and I still let the kids cuddle me knowing full well they are sick. I still don't listen to any seasoned worker or colleague that tells me.. don't pick them up or cuddle them or else you will stay sick. I still laugh when little Annie (not her real name) sneezes boogers all over me... and I still pick the coughing kids up and tell them its ok when they look scared.

Maybe this week we should cook chicken soup?

Daughter No1 was a wonderful help last week in planning our holiday that I am getting scared of. I worry the problems with this equine flu will affect us.. I worry that I think our landlady wants to get rid of us... suddenly giving us notices we never had before when I normally breach every single rule...(for instance... dogs are not allowed inside) My dogs complain about the temperature for heavens sake. They tell me turn on the heater and air conditioner. And I do it. I worry I should spend money more wisely... yet i still spend madly on something like a seafood dinner.

But I keep myself happy. Sometimes life is not very nice.


little things said...

What a twist of fate! Keep us informed as to how things shake out.

Cazzie!!! said...

Poor melly the flu is such a hanger onner this year...I hope it lifts for you soon love.

LuSh said...

I'll get rid of your germs if you get rid of mine.

PS wanna come do some weeding? There's nothing I despise more

Hope the girls/dad/horsies are holding up

SzélsőFa said...

Hello Melly, the take a close look photo contest is over, you are kindly invited to check the results and take part in the fifth round...