It could of been much worse. I shudder to think how much worse. My step mother had her arm broken and a plate in it and spent her very first night in hospital. She would of hated it. Joan likes her home and her pretty smells and things. I hate thinking of her having to go to a hospital.
The VW wont be able to be fixed. I can see the misery in my fathers face. My nephew to me just looks like my beautiful little brother.
It was just magnificent though that Dad and Joan didn't get seriously hurt. Horrific that it can take just a second to... destroy something someone worked so hard to preserve.
I can see in some of those photos.. that on the left the t-model ford has been removed from the shed so the VW can go in. That is saying something. My father spent the last 40 years preserving that car... and he moves it to put this broken car in. The car of his youth... that he drove across the Nullabor with his best mate from college. (Not the exact one...)
I was shaken. I am not ready to lose these people. I dont ring or write or visit as much as I should. I just like to know they are there.
They are fine... thank dog.
Oh, that is bad news. A VW Bug is something to love and care about. And now it's really broken...
On a second thought: I see how it could have turned out much, much worse. Thank God your relatives are all right.
But my third thought is the following: some part of the car is broken for sure, but it's not a pancake, as we'd put it: some parts look quite normal, and for the ~pancake~ parts you might look up at a neaarby VW-fan club for spare parts. Some VW fans have spare windows or complete front parts...I'd give it a try, Melly.
Glad everyone is OK. Things like that surely trigger good fun memories, despite the negatives of the accident.
Hope you're all traveling OK.
Mal :)
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