Friday, September 22, 2006

Cricket crap on - duly deleted

For the poor unlucky sods who saw my huge whinge over the unfairness of junior cricket for my son William - my apologies.

Duly deleted and archived into the "Mel goes crazy box".

In a nutshell - I signed William up for cricket - the Yaralla junior cricket club coach and registrar said he had to play for 2-3 years younger age group (William has no experience and basically sucked at first training) - William was upset - I said I would fix it - registrar of said club woman made me angry by referring to how short William was at least three times and by saying "How will William feel when he lets his team down" - I lost the plot .. could of behaved myself better with my telephone manners - I ranted and raved to not only my dear friend immediately but too any dear friend unlucky enough to run into me yesterday.....

Problem was solved. We put him into a team that apparantly is completely used to losing and doesnt have height restrictions nor worries about experienced 12 year olds (no one told me when I signed him up for the Yaralla team that they do pride themselves on being winners - found out that today over a glass of wine with friends)

And now - I look forward to a summer of William playing with the kind of people I would rather he play with ANYWAY. William is happy - in his own age group - LOVES the bright yellow shirt he gets to wear and (so long as Mummy doesnt harp on) he can live down the shame now of being told to play with the little kids.

But - I was very upset at the time.

Whilst I would always believe in nurturing the talented players in any sport - I also am a firm believer in encouraging all children to play sport - any sport - even if they do "suck".*

I am proud of my sons devotion, tenacity, perseverance and sensitivity. That is what matters most.

And just incase anyone reads this damn thing best I remove the pages of me bitching. So it is gone! Adieu!

*William's words to me - when he explained he sucked at bowling, he really sucked at catching and when he put the "cup" to protect his genitals in and it fell out of his underpant-less pants - he learnt a very important lesson in humility. I doubt he will ever not wear underpants to cricket again. I think its best I buy him his own cup.

Not the cup like on Cazzie's site. My beloved son has had enough humiliation for the week.


Cazzie!!! said...

"underpant-less pants" you crack me up laydee!!! My son Nicholas likes to let em fly around the place too, no undies heaps of times at school, LOL.
I agree, even if ya suck at sport, have a go ya mug..she'll be right, she'll be apples..that's the spirit!!!
My boys had a go at the Life Be In It races at the Royal Show yesterday, they loved it..the sack race, the egg and spoon race, all fun :)

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Melly; you were right to get angry. I had a similar experience with my eldest and the junior rugby programme. He really loves it, looks forward to going, but is (in his own words) "pretty hopeless". He was really upset when they wanted to drop him down an age group and I had to get pretty stroppy with the organisers. All his mates play (some good, some crap) and they have a laugh and isn't that what you want out of a sporting programme?


Melly` said...

oh - HMHB I so agree - it has nothing to do with winning at their age (unless they are exceptionally good) it has to do with the lessons and the good habits of exercise. My fury is going - and William now is practicing furiously.... unfortunately my "stroppiness" turned into simply bad manners and a few swear words I could of omitted! Thank you.

Steph said...

Well that truly sucks, and those twats should think themselves lucky it was you they were dealing with and not me.
I don't think i could have been as gracious!

The poor kid. We should encourage ALL kids to play sport, no matter what their competance level.
I'm glad you sorted it out though and i really hope he enjoys his next game.

Jay said...

Hey Melly. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

I hate the way that coaches of little league teams try to weed out certain kids cause they want to win as if they were coaching the olympics. The kids can't be having any fun with a coach that is screaming at them and calling them names all the time. And it doesn't make them any better.