Tuesday, September 12, 2006

An ulcer on my EYE!

After the last post, I did retire to the sofa for more really corny tv. During the post and after I attempted to take my contact lenses out. Well the right one - the left one came out quickly with no problems.

When I was getting ready to go to dinner and putting them in I noticed I had a very small sty.. stye.. sti? wait I have to look that up dammit. Sty ok. Same as pig pen. That HARDLY seems right. Anyway.

Anyway - I figured we wont be out long anyway and it is only tiny. By the time I lay on the sofa small sty had became huge sty - and contact lense just wouldnt come out. I did consider waking Anna or Christian to help me... but both of them started work early Saturday morning and I decided a little nap and I would be able to do it myself. Well - that was one of my many STUPID DUMBASS MOMENTS. During the "nap" I must of dug at the thing so badly I scratched the eyeball and by 4 pm Saturday I was very miserable in heaps of pain at the Gladstone Hospital Emergency (Medical Centre GP said best I go up there as he didnt have the real equipment.)

I guess I was rather lucky because a lovely grey haired and bearded GP saw me very quickly - I probably waited ten minutes and was only so antsy because I was in incredible pain. He put a local anesthetic in my eye - and hey presto! Pain Gone. I said "Thanks" and made to clear out. He chuckled and made me sit back down, put some dye in my eye and then looked at it in the... thingo with all the knobs and chinrest for looking into eyes. I said - "But I feel fine now.. thanks heaps" and he said "You wont in a couple of hours". As he prescribed the drops and goey disgusting ointment that makes your eyes all stick together reminiscent of the milkshed cats in your childhood that all had to be put down even though you vowed you would clean all 40 pairs of eyes at both Bellvue and Grandma Metcalfes' house every single day for the rest of your life.....and as the ten year old sobbed in bed at night also vowed to pay for any cat with conjunctavitis as soon as you could earn money! Wow - I so haven't kept some childhood vows huh?

Waffled again. Where was I?

Right - well lucky for me you cant take the boy out of Woodridge but you cannot take the Woodridge out of the boy. And Christian noticed that he had only used a few drops of the local anesthetic and so he quietly told me to pocket the rest safetly into my handbag. Thank Heavens he did. Later that night the agony was back and we just used one drop at a time. By Sunday it was still painful but not the cry out load painful of Saturday and Saturday night. But oh - when that GP put that magic stuff in my eyes I was so so in awe of his genius! He told me to come back Sunday and that he thought it wasnt deep just big and would cure quickly.

We had the soccer break up Sunday and I figured I would be a dutiful Mother and make an appearance. William is on the right in red t-shirt and he FINALLY got a kid in his team shorter than him! He was so pleased.. or I was? One of the two) When I realised M and K were imbibing I thought a little self medication couldnt hurt me under the circumstances and all. So - next thing I have stayed to the end of the show, presentation, rides and AGM (I hid - I wasnt drunk enough to want to figure out how to coordinate a rooster)and we are all back at my house with the 9 children, only Christian could drive and Jane had to be delivered to the train station back to boarding school. William got "Most improved player" and was so excited with his three trophies. Junk food dinner was a perfect ending, so.............

We fed the kids cheerios and dim sims for dinner (healthy huh? gawd) and we munched on cheese and crackers and continued to get louder and more funny. Well we thought we were.

My eye is healing but today has been the first day I can look at the computer (and I am wearing sunglasses inside) - I can't watch tv, I can't read, I am bored to death - I dont think it is safe for me to drive so I am not. I look hideous - and not hideous funny - just hideous. Yesterday I just spent the whole day either in bed or on the sofa miserable. Christian is working away at Moura so I cant nag him to amuse me.

I cut out (very badly) some emails and posted some pictures into a scrap book today for my kids in the future. I have kept letters, pictures and cards in some drawers for some time. I tried to make it all neat and somehow in order - from both my deceased Aunts and my living ones. I will have to make a few... because my parents divorce was hmm acrimonious and even 30 years later putting the two families stuff in the same album just feels WRONG. I dont have a problem putting our stuff in the same album - the kids, their two fathers and one step father just never were allowed to fight too much.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be 100% better, and the glasses can come off. A good nights sleep is what I need - and I am surprised at how much I miss checking my favourite blogs.


Cazzie!!! said...

Oh SHIT Melly, I hate it when people come to the Zemergency room with eye troubles, I feel their pain!!! My dad always got steel and shit in his eyes and I would nurse him when I was a kid. Poor love, he would cry so bad from the pain. YES..thank the pharmacists for developing the anaesthetic for eyes, it is such a blessing. Hope it heals really soon.

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Bloody hell Melly, grim tale of woe. Sending you healing thoughts and best wishes over this here interwebby thingie.


LuSh said...

stay blind drunk....

it's my only thought at 2am sweetness

**sends you good vibes and airline tickets**(don't I wish)

Melly` said...

Caz, Gorgeous beer man and lishy... oh wow ty....