Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can you ROSTER a ROOSTER - we need you!

Ok - we have already established it doesn't take a terrible lot to amuse me. This really tickled me but. It is like the person who typed this up has used her naughty draft instead of the real one! The trouble Word auto correct can make!

The fundraising person has to CO-ORDININATE A ROOSTER. Line up the hens maybe? Make sure his feathers are in place and matching? Wake him up in the mornings so he can cock-a-doodle-doo on time? Tell him which hens are failing to make the egg grade? Mind boggles!(One of my Aunts collects Roosters - I think she was born in the year of a Rooster - she should put her hand up hey!)

I particularly like "going on a rooster"? Should we call the RSPCA? How many people exactly would fit on this Rooster? Do we bring our own Rooster food?

Warning - this stuff is just me bitching. Scroll to the next one.

Their maths also amused me. One hundred and sixteen players forfeiting the $600 canteen duty fine... costs $20 per player? And I berated myself for my dreadful maths! Last year I was secretary to the secretary - and I thought that was very funny! But I do always hate the tone of these damn letters. IF they needed my help why didn't anyone ASK? I am not going to go out of my way to find extra stuff to do - but if they ask they already know I never say no. (OK - so I have hidden behind cars before when I realise they want help in the canteen - but mannnnnnnnnn you should see how horrible that is. It can take a full five minutes for some ladies to add up what you have bought - and by that time the hot stuff is cold and the cold stuff has melted. Or worse - when they hand you your drink and their fingers are on the INSIDE of the cup. I take my own. Sigh.)


LuSh said...

maybe they meant a cock roster....

just maybe

Melly` said...

well they are too late for the Mount Larcom show and ,,, lol.. goodness we dont really need any private shows?

LuSh said...

since when do you not want private shows?

What happened to the pervy Mel I know and love!

Cazzie!!! said...

PMSL, they got roosters at my girls' creche, just hatched from the incubator and all, maybe I can send ya one, PMSL!!!