Monday, July 30, 2007

Harlequin Beetles

This weekend MOTH trimmed a tree out the back to make more sunlight for our garden and collected maybe 30 Harlequin Beetles for me to take to kindy for the kids.
The kids loved the beetles.. the best photos I can't show unfortunately because I am deliberately picking photos that dont identify the children.
The kids tryed so hard not to squish or maim them.. and we first examined them and then released them into the garden outside the fence.... Most of the other staff were quite disgusted at my choice of what to play with this morning... but the kids and I sure had fun!
Some kids were happy to imitate me and hold them or wear them on their clothing. Some where nervous and scared of bugs ... and some overcame that and some did not. All of them tried hard to be gentle...but that is not easy when you are two.

Click on the pictures to see them big.. I could have the wrong name for the beetles.

I wrote about the same beetles here... but that photo shows the orange ones and we had the blue/ green ones today.


Just Me said...

Who cares what your co workers thought... you were introducing the children to part of nature.. so sod those sad women !

Which trees did MOTH cut down?

Hope you are well.. sorry I havnt been around online much.. work is .. exhausting ! The road trip home every day is hideous to say the least.. but I'm sure I will get used to that :)

SzélsőFa said...

I also played with beetles when I was a kid - I built a house for ladybeetles.
The one you call Harlequin beetles does not seem to belong to beetles (Coleoptera), rather bugs (Heteroptera), but the pic is small, and I can't really see well.

Melissa said...

Whatever they're called, they're pretty and the kids seemed to like them.

Two points.

Cazzie!!! said...

WICKED!!! Nick just asked me for a bug cathcer before he wentr to bed, I said santa may bring him one..we will see.