Monday, October 23, 2006

Not a lot has been happening....

There has been sleepovers and dogs that don't understand they are not human. The extra place setting wasnt with Dotti in mind.

Cricket and cheerleading (gawd I wish she had chosen a different "sport") training, library visits, the walk to cure diabetes and visiting. Exercising dogs and indulgent reading in bed.

I am working four hours a day from 8 am till noon. At the risk of sounding rediculously lazy.. I LOVE THIS! It is just brilliant and I so wish it could go on forever. I have time for lunch with girlfriends. I can spend hours preparing dinner for my family. (Or not!) Another mum does the morning school taxi lifts and I do the afternoon one. I have time (and the energy) to follow Anna and her friend though the mall. I can have a nap if I want! We can go and feed the ducks, turtles and eels after school. The dogs don't act as if I have abandoned them.

I have time for craft and gardening projects. And I don't feel as if I should penny pinch madly. (The "meaness" remains though - I still go for the markdowns at the supermarket...) The laundry and housekeeping isnt madly behind and moving on its own.

The passionfruit vine I planted only ten days ago has its first flower.... and yes I planted it in an ugly old tyre for its own protection against the dogs, whipper snipper and the drought. I have plans to hide the ugliness soon.

And the dogs still think they are human - even after the eight foot fence has been erected (hence passionfruit vine being sent up it) and my dogs are semi-outside dogs now. Well, of course excepting when they think they need the airconditioner.

It would be nice if this working arrangement could go on forever. The weather is gorgeous (if a little dry)and very little seems to be happening in my little place in the world.

I hope everyone else has a lovely peaceful time too.


Anonymous said...

I am wondering if we are about to witness the armegedon. Peace in Melissa's household is just ... well it is just unheard of!!!! Hummm....I wonder what is brewing mwahahahahaha
luvs ya and hugsssssssssss *wink*

Melly` said...

Shoot... you have a damn good point there Gabbi - I should be bloody worried shouldn't I?

Oh well... the little rest wont do me any harm!

Love you.

Cazzie!!! said...

Yumm, I love pashionfruit, I always got into trouble for pinching y pop's pashionfruit off the vine :)

Anonymous said...

k so guess what I did? lol, yeah go figure it has NOTHING to do with your blog. I have shaved my entire head of hair off. Ok ok, I personally didn't. There were witness of near 100. Marlene with some help from Bill L. did. We have an organization here called TitzN Glitz, (just went national)shall find the website. The plant where I now work raised $600 (from their own pockets)- to see if I could put my balls where my mouth was ahahahaha. (All of this $ given to Breast Cancer survivers as they attempt to carry on.) K, so now all I want is a wooly toque. I had never experienced the cold let alone a shower on my scalp before. I was blessed with a FULL head of hair. I have cursed my hair, the thickness when the temps raise above 20, (hey I am Canadian) and I have modelled, and I am ar ole model for my daughter. Hair grows back, do boobs? lol....... k so thank you Melly for letting me say this (yeah I have pics too) Hugsss

Steph said...

Oh to only work four hours a day.
But then you have chilluns. That gig is 24/7. I aint swapping ya ;)

Jay said...

I love those dogs sitting at the table waiting to be served. That is hilarious.

Melly` said...


If my dogs want to play ball they whack me with the wet horrible thing until I play. If they want to eat.. they certainly tell me it is time to eat. My dogs have lovely table manners. My dogs recognise certain friends of mine as being... sources of food. The friends arrive and the food appears on the table. And if friend arrives and I forget to serve food.... the dogs tell ME I have bad manners.

Dogs cause the same amount of damage as children... but are just so much nicer about it.

Anonymous said...

How come there have been no blogs of late? huh huh huh? You know I wake much too early and come to your spot for my morning entertainment. I think you are being selfish. So come on, spill. Enough of this silly silence!
Cheers n hugssss to your beautiful famdamily. :-)