Monday, November 06, 2006

Dogs can embarrass you too

I had to bail Rocky the wonderdog out of the local pound today. $147 it cost me. Rocky has been pissing a new neighbour off. The new neighbour is ... slightly stupid... and has been accosted with Rocky playing "troll of the street" before. Rocky rushed out to bail up her walking her dog past our front yard. As Christian held Rocky down to let the pass... the woman INSTEAD chose to stay and check out her dog for injuries still on the nature strip in front of our land. For too long... Rocky decided that she and her dog had breached his territory and he continues to carry on even when he is behind our fence if these particular couple are near. When she takes her dogs over to the railway yard to defecate... Rocky gets very annoyed.
Rocky has always played "troll of the street". Sometimes he has played "troll of the bridge" three doors up too... letting no one pass. The neighbourhood knows Rocky and either people complain to me and I lock him up - or they deal with Rocky themselves.

If Rocky was human we would all hate him. He is your typical bully. I tie him to the front porch with his chain just short of the mailman. The mailman approaches and Rocky and the little dogs next door bark their heads off in total macho toughness. And then the postie reaches over and pats Rocky on the head and Rocky ALWAYS looks back at the house ashamed to see if I saw. One local lady who walks everywhere told me she carries chocolates just for Rocky. The bully bastard.

The little dogs next door are lovely yappers. They tell us all if anyone is near. My dogs... are inconsistent. They bark .. when/if they feel like the game.

We recently put a 8 foot fence around the entire yard... to combat the complaints from the woman up the road. Other neighbours where bemused... it has never worried us before that Rocky sleeps on the bridge and strolls the neighbourhood. Rocky will be four on the 25th May next year. He walks to the pet shop up the road and gets a free pigs ear. He walks to the IGA supermarket... sometimes they ring me and tell me he is there. He also occasionally disappears for lengths of time .... and annoys local owners of pure bred bitches. It is more than once another particular woman has yelled at me over the antics of my entire dog. I tried to deny it was him once... and she produced his collar and tags. Bastard dog.

IT SEEMS today that Rocky jumped off the back porch ramp onto the boat in the carport and then down onto the ground. Pretty clever really - and clever is one thing my beloved dog .. well you just.. blah he is really not the brightest dog.

Anyway I left for work at 8.25 am and the animal officers had Rocky impounded by 9 am. My neighbour is wasting no time ringing them lately.

So - I get home to the fine notice and instructions on his recovery. I take Anna with me to the pound and she has the camera.

There he is in the cage looking happy as hell... having a jolly good time? And what lovely company he has! The pound is right next door to the sewerage works too - so to Rocky it smells pretty good too. I tell Anna to wait while I deal with the paper work in the office.


One of the animal control officers tries to KICK them apart (I kid you not! in front of me he KICKS Rocky.... resulting in the push-me-pull you effect? Nah sigh that had already occurred) Sigh.

Not only did I hand over the $147 bucks... but I had to wait 30 mins while the dogs.. calmed down. Holding the lead... trying to stay calm telling the officer trying to "help" not too...

For a long time I have advocated desexing Rocky. Believe it or not... Christian STILL doesnt think desexing Rocky is the answer. He is mad at the new neighbour. He doesnt think Rocky would ever willingly jump into the boat. (Duh - the battles on the boat ramp would be entirely different - there is no WATER in the carport)

And when I try tell Christian how Rocky behaved at BAIL time.. he (rightfully I guess?) says "What kind of sickos are you two taking pictures of it?"

Really there wasnt a terrible lot else to do at the time. And I did say to Anna - "Why didnt you stop him?" and she looked at me as if I was insane.. and said... "And HOW WOULD I DO THAT MUM?" Good point.

Anyway... it was no punishment for Rocky. Two car rides - one in a strangers car, a great place to stay with a wonderful smell, a pretty female companion,other dogs to play macho too (through a too) food and water on hand AND FREE SEX.

Dotti - the other wonderdog - sniffed him and attacked him as he walked in the door. He even smiled all threw me bathing him. The bastard.


Steph said...

Ohh that's not good. You have to keep him chained up or he'll cost you a fortune.

Cazzie!!! said...

Dogs cost more than kids sometimes, actually, pets cost more than kids sometimes..we need pet Medicare here!!

Anonymous said...

I think desexing him would be a good idea - think of all the unhomed puppies he's making!

Melly` said...

Sigh - dogs are still much cheaper and less trouble than children!

Oh - and Enny this whole suburb has mini Rocky's all over it. Lovely dogs - all pattable and kissable....

Sigh. I SO KNOW the MOTH is gunna notice the wee operation.

Anonymous said...

hehehehe Rocky is a grand dog AND my namesake. It wouldn't hurt to be snipped though..truly will cost you less in the long run. About time you wrote something, too! Ta n Cheers!!!!

a bientot mon amie :-)
(oh yeah I would sign on with my nick but truly can't be arsed to remember what my blogger ID is let alone the long forgotten password, but I know you always know it's meeeeee cuz of my most delicious hugs *wink*)

Melly` said...

Ahhh but Gabby - at least you add some sophistication, class and humour to your sexiness... your namesake has much growing up to do!

Christian is STILL defending Rocky! STILL!

I am going to cause a riot and have him snipped. I am just letting Christian erect more structures around the yard to try fence Rocky in... absolutely knowing it will do no good. Rocky was attempting tunnelling as I started typing.


halfmanhalfbeer said...

Melly; must be great to be a dog!