Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chucking a sickie...

Yep - I did it. At my work you have to call in sick at 6.30am. I think that is ridiculous... but that is the rule. You also have to have a doctors certificate if you are sick on a Monday or a Friday.
I wasn't REALLY sick - if you count having a temperature and name of an ailment. But I have been a little stressed worrying about a family member, Anna has so many things on her agenda and so many decisions to make, I have unavoidably made conflict with a couple of my colleagues that I just... wish would go away.... and I have heaps of sick days up....
I chose today because there was a performance at work so the kids would be attending that and not really know I was missing. Wednesday is also the only day that my room doesn't have full attendance.
I chose today last week actually - and made sure the person I would like to relieve me was available.
We are meant to complete a module a month of study to keep our jobs. And I find when I get home from work I am tired - and I have dinner to prepare, washing, some housework that cannot be avoided, MOTH to attend to, friends to entertain and be a friend too, bills to pay, blogs & emails to read, Anna wants someone to whinge too, William needs to be reminded to move away from the television/xbox/ps2 and attend the real world... the garden needs attending and the capsicums need roasting. Ok - so I do anything but my homework.
So - today the plan was to knock over some of the dreaded assignments.
I sat in the garden for an hour. I pondered some madness that always troubles me. I fed the birds - both the lorrikeets, crested pigeons and galahs out the back and the finches out the front and watched them for a while. I filled in my holiday application for the end of June beginning of July to take Anna to her gymnastics (ok - cheerleading) competition and meet my aunt and cousins for a possibly wonderful and exciting reunion... (possibly because one shouldn't get their hopes up plans can change and I could get the holiday application rejected) I opened my books and the files on the computer.
Then Meg rang and said.. I am at The Valley... want to do lunch? Of course I do ... I am starving. We choose a local Chinese restaurant... and horror of horrors... not one but TWO of the parents of the children in my room work there. Serves myself right for not paying attention to what people do for a living. I recognised them but couldn't think... where... and when it suddenly dawned on me....... bloody hell there was no escape. Hope they didn't notice I had three plates of all you can eat. I ate Meg's left overs too actually. Hardly the behaviour of a sick person!
And when we got home and had coffee and Meg left - yep. I napped. Then I cooked Anna and Jane lasagne, noodles and fish pie becaue they complain to me that they dont like the food at their fathers and I am going there this weekend to take Anna for more driving lessons and deliver food. Jane claims she is now a vegetarian - so I made vegetarian lasagne and noodles and veggies for her... and meat ones for Anna. Jane is eating fish still.
I did complete ONE assignment. Bloody hope it passes.


Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

Being a full-time mum, and working as well... we all NEED "Mental Health Days" [MHD's] now and again. Good on you for doing it, tho.

Any news about the bike yet? [Oh, hang on, I'll keep reading the more current posts! D'oh!]

Mal :)

Melly` said...

It was Cazzie's son who had his bike stolen. Williams bike is worth more than my car for heavens sake!