Sunday, February 03, 2008

The weekends go too damn fast

MOTH caught crabs today. It was hideously hot and humid. I worried for a while that he wanted me to go with him - but luckily he found someone willing to go with him.
I do like fishing and being on the boat. But not in mad heat. Not in weather that can change at a second. I dont want to be rained on.
I wanted to go to the nursery but I never got there. I wanted to do some homework for the course I have to complete - but I never got there either. I did tidy house and do laundry - but not to vacuum or mop floors. I guess they will wait.
I rested and I cooked. I made chicken and vegetable soup and I tended my garden. Meg and the kids visited and William bought us meagre nibblies - I was not in the mood for catering. I think I agreed to catering for a seafood night Tuesday. I am just tired and cantankerous.
I will blame the bubbly wine a lovely parent gave my co-worker and myself on Friday. The gift was quite lovely - I guess that mum doesnt know how much pleasure her son gave me this past 7 months. But geeze it was nice to be given the gift and the lovely card....
I get to drink my co-workers wine sometime soon. She doesnt drink white wine - only red. And I am quite happy to swap!
The irony is in the fact that the gift was from the mother of .. one of my really smart beautiful children who is cared for beautifully. None of the more difficult parents or ... those who feel it is my job to bend over backwards - show such regard.
The careless mother who forgets her childs lunches; the mother who complains she collected the child with a dirty nappy (I am not in control of the children's bowel movements no matter how much I love my job) and not even the mother who delivers her child at nap time and completely stuffs up our routine? Nope - The woman who works full time and shows incredible regard, love and education for her beautiful child... takes the time to buy two bottles of wine and write two lovely cards. The woman whose child has provided me with tears and laughter and incredible pride. That child can name every colour, shape and animal. Recite the books verbatim...make me roar laughing if I get something wrong and the child gets frustrated with my stupidity. That child - has made my life so much more wonderful.
When I think about it like that - I have nothing to whinge about.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

She sounds like the lovely mother of a lovely child. I'm glad you got to know him and sorry you won't have the same amount of contact soon, but it seems you made an impression!