Thursday, February 28, 2008


Moth broke his hand today. Using a drill? to do.. something? it umm... jumped? and his hand broke. (I so should listen better!) I did listen (sorta) and fuss and get him drinks and dinner and help him feed the dogs (oh ok so I called William to do that)...

He came to my work just as I was busy with a two year old to get my car and he said as he walked out... that he was off to the hospital to get his hand x-rayed but I was concentrating on making sure this child was comfortable.. and didn't actually hear that bit until he had driven away. That is when I thought.. crap I probably should of offered to drive him to the hospital.

I got home to a house with NO ONE. And so I lay on my bed and read the last half of a book I kinda pinched from work (a parent gave it to another carer saying it was very good... my coworker/boss/friend nicked it and I quickly nicked it from her) The dogs laid with me and when the book was finished I napped with them... waking at 8pm to realise MOTH was still not home.

Youch. Neglectful lover. It was indeed broken.. in two places and he had spent four hours at the hospital alone.

I found him on the telephone on his way home via a more sympathetic friends house..... and somehow still managed to say "the wine is in the boot of my car will you bloody hurry"....

He arrived home with the doctors notes, his workers compensation forms and keys in his mouth and the wine in his left hand with a jolly great big cast on his right hand. Crikeys.. he really did hurt himself.

We went to trivia last night. I was going to cancel. See - I love trivia but the woman I work with and I have big mouths and we brag to everyone that we won that one time.... and a couple of other workers decided to come too. And one of them.. I get a little annoyed at work with. But you cant say... "No - you cant come because you annoy me" - that is simply too mean. But I didn't want to go. Yep - that much of a bitch I was gunna not go just so I didn't have to socialize with that person... My usual coworker seems to understand I am a bitch and convinced me to go...

I was completely wrong we all had a ball as usual. MOTH loves female company and he had a great time. We drank a couple of bottles of wine... and we had a few before we left too... and the meals are wonderful value ($11 for reef and beef t-bone with chips and salad and we have NEVER finished it all) The wine shouldn't of affected me so .. quickly... however when I woke this morning from the first proper sleep I have had in weeks... fully clothed in what I was wearing the night before I realised that I had.. blanks. I don't remember anything that happened after the motor car round. I couldn't remember coming home. I didn't wake with the awful feeling I had done something dreadful but I still didn't like having NOTHING..... I didn't know whether we had won or lost (we lost and came third apparently) I didn't remember being driven home... so I rang MOTH. He told me he felt like crap and was sick and couldn't remember anything about getting home but that he liked one of my workmates because she giggled a lot.

That is not good. Both MOTH and I were apparently legless drunk and cannot bloody remember anything past 10.30 at night. I wasn't sick - I just didn't like having this giant blank...... And I was hoping he could fill in the blank bits. My workmate filled in a few for me. I was obnoxious when she fiddled with my cigarettes and when my giggling colleague said she was going home I forced her to drive us home. I noticed this afternoon my cigarettes are all over the gutter and sidewalk.

Definitely not how the evening SHOULD of gone. The first thing I asked MOTH about was if he was hungover when his accident occured. He said no. I hope he was telling me the truth.

William told me this morning that we left the lights and tv on and he had to get up and turn them off. Poor little thing!

Oh - and Rocky the wonderdog keeps turning up at my work. Looks like MOTH has time to figure out how he escapes now. Except Rocky doesnt bother escape if he has someone home with him. The kids at work all can recite the story of the "very unhelpful dog Rocky who doesnt use his listening ears and stay home" and its really hard for Rocky who knows I am cranky with him but ten little people usually covered in yogurt and other deliciousness are so pleased to see him.

I ask the kids why they are peering threw the fence or window and they tell me.. "I am looking for unhelpful Rocky!"

Great. Just Great.


Steph said...

I'm not fond of playing "blankety blanks" myself. Is there a chance one of your coworkers slipped you a roey?

Melly` said...

Oh.. No Steph I am pretty sure that was all.. me and the damn cheap wine. $10 a bottle...

Normally if I have done something dreadful I know it - but it appears I was just loud and obnoxious when my friend touched my cigarettes and... a little insistant someone take me home immediately... (probably cause losing sucks?) Took me three days to find out that information though.

Just Me said...

omg.. poor MOTH !

Broken in two places?

Damn.. which hand?

Sorry to hear about your night.. but all that will go away in know that :D

The hand, on the other hand (pardon the pun) is a different matter !

Poor Moth, give him a hug from me (and yes i know you both dont like hugs.. but stiff shite baby !)