Saturday, March 01, 2008

The new propeller

Our boat propeller was damaged maybe almost a year ago. And MOTH laments often to me that he needs to get it fixed. But we never have time. The full time working etc.. you just never have time.

But he broke his hand and has time. And we kinda have money - although that wont last for long because he will be on workers compensation until his hand off he went to buy the new propeller.

And he cursed and cursed in our driveway because he couldn't fit it. I asked him to call some of his mates to see if they could help - I knew I would only get cranky with it - I really hate that mechanical stuff.. hold this turn that stuff. The jockey wheel fell off the boat trailer months ago .. so it would of all been hard and frustrating for him.

I am not very good at the cut up his food, remember he cant open stuff thing. He isn't very good at asking me to help. I have reminded him plenty of when I broke my arm twice and couldn't cope with hanging out washing etc....

He fought with the propeller with his mate that Anna (daughter number 2) and I call "FSC" behind his back. "FSC" is an acronym for three common swear words. I dyed my friends hair and she dyed mine and I pottered around the house .. did grocery shopping and generally acted as if our family isn't in crisis.........

MOTH came home confused I hadn't rang him and said where are you. I heard him swearing in the driveway before he left. I decided... I was better off amusing myself. My friend with the hair dye... can sometimes be a little mean to me.. but today she was not. The only possible mean thing she said was when she asked if MOTH's accident was a result of his smoking stuff...

I cant say I don't wonder that myself. Cant say I would be able to or willing to change anything if it was. There are sometimes simply variables you cant change. I also know I don't want to change him. I kinda like him just the way he is. I wish I wouldn't fret he would get sensible and leave me for a woman who will have his children and will... oh I dunno... hold the boat propeller or something like that.

MOTH bought the wrong propeller. It took him and FSC five hours to figure that out.

I looked at our superannuation and realised we have to contribute at least $50 more a week even given MOTH is younger than me to have just the basics to live at retirement.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Superannuation - get advice

scarey shit eh?