Saturday, November 18, 2006

Boxers love to play ball

Every single night at around 9 pm Dotti finds one of her balls... usually under a sofa, cupboard or bed. She crouches where she finds it and cries until one of us stupid humans retrieve it for her.

Then, she bangs us all with it until we throw it. I mean it .. continually hits the ball onto our legs and lap to tell us to play. She lets go of it ever so breifly and then snaps it up fast. You will get hurt if you are too slow. (No blood... just snapped) The ball gets all wet and disgusting. I tried to ban all ball playing inside after we started the painting. I am not very successful at setting boundaries I guess.

Tonight she has started at 8pm! Has she some southern bloodline that means she is now on daylight savings time? Horrors.

The WORST thing is neither of my dogs are keen to play ball outdoors. They always get sidetracked by something else. But inside.. they will play ball all night long.


Cazzie!!! said...

Your dogs sound like kids, they like to wreck the house :)

Melly` said...

That sounds right... after 21 years of children.. I get different types of kids.