Saturday, November 25, 2006

The New BBQ - Jackeroo Tuscany SV

Today - we went and bought a new bbq. The best we could afford. And for once it wasnt the absolute cheapest! There were some real beauties.. but our budget didn't go that far...

I have always said I am easily amused. Six burners under the hood thingo - and the side burner for my wok or the corn cobs! Or the pot for the crabs!
I was so impatient to bring it home from the shop that I didn't heed the safety instructions at the delivery bay. They clearly said that if your vehicle couldnt fit the boxes in their original state you could not take the item until you had arranged a trailer etc. I didn't want to wait to go and get the other car, hook up the trailer etc etc... Saturday morning traffic is a bastard and all... everywhere was SO BUSY this morning... So I convinced the staff member to let me break the rule and pull all the bits out of the box so I could fit them in my little ten year old hyundai sonata.
Unfortunately in part of the packaging I tossed into the skip bin... was the assembly instructions etc.
My beloved can have a filthy mouth sometimes.
Anyway - I was confident in his ability and duly delivered cold drinks and held bits while he screwed bits in. Instead of having spare parts like I usually do... he went to the hardware store to buy more bolt thingies... for extra strength.
The kids are away at Rockhampton this weekend and I was disappointed I didnt have a hoard of people to cook for.
Sadly our new possession pleases me. Really pleases me. I didn't even whinge when MOTH made me go visit more boat motor shops. Not verbally anyways.

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