Saturday, November 18, 2006

My son no longer HATES girls

This week William (12) proudly announced to me that he has a "girlfriend". He asked Elle to go steady with him - and she agreed.

Not only has poor Will's had to deal with the ribbing from his mates at school - but his home life has endured some unwanted teasing too.

William is the youngest with three older sisters. When he was very little he proclaimed he HATED GIRLS. They fussed him, teased him, dragged him, bullied and generally harrassed him.

One particularly NASTY day - when William said to his sisters "I HATE ALL GIRLS" the girls told him.... "MUMMY IS A GIRL."

William was horrified and ran to me - "Mummy, YOU ARE NOT A GIRL ARE YOU?"

And nope.. William I wasnt THAT KIND OF GIRL. Anyway.

And for years I worried he would NEVER like girls. And it would be all his sisters fault!

But - as I watch him carefully comb his hair and actually bother to wear socks... I kinda miss the little boy who was sure his beloved MOTHER COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE A GIRL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melly, that is such a great story. I can just see the horrified little face, hoping that it couldn't be true!