Having a brilliant time don't you think? Snort. Haha!
Yep - you guessed it. Number 7. Snort again.
I just really like this horse? Wonder why?
Ok - stopping my possibly nasty giggles. Yesterday I opened a letter I received from Centrelink a week (or month whateva) ago - and it tells me that due to the child support I receive I am no longer entitled to Family Assistance Part A or any rent assistance. Good thing I bloody did read it. Usually they just send out the same letter five times and they aren't worth reading. The fortnightly money I receive from the government is now gone. I ring them up ask them what happened - she says we took into account the money Tom pays you and now you are over the threshold - and cannot have the money.
Blah. I say - didn't we have this EXACT SAME ARGUMENT LAST YEAR? Ahhh yes we did! But the tax department thinks you received this money therefore you did... and therefore we cant pay you.
I did try to discuss this last year with Tom. Aside from his utter fury at even the thought of ever paying me a cent - basically his reaction was that he hadn't heard from them - therefore he didn't have to pay it. Actually he is required to let them know his change of addresses. But nevermind.
I kept the peace and did nothing. Until now. Because I lose a couple of hundred dollars a fortnight LET ALONE the imaginary money he is meant to be paying me. And that money I use as direct debits for electricity and phone etc. The money he hasn't paid me equals the price of a new small car for us. To us - it is significant.
I wouldn't be washing William's only school uniform shirt every bloody night that is for sure. And I wouldn't be making the phone calls to Anna's school to discuss a payment plan for her school fees and the upcoming scuba lessons. (They would negotiate fees but not the scuba lessons that has to be paid up front.)
In reality - all he has to do to not pay me any money is get a better accountant. His horses have been winning significant amounts of money - if he was investing back into more horses, gear etc he would be lodging tax returns saying he earned nothing - and then wouldn't have to pay me. Mind you - he has just bought a new horse float and matching four wheel drive. And house. A five bedroom house with three bathrooms and stables out the back. Blah.
Jealousy is a curse - pregnancy is worse!
So - now I have to fill in bloody papers. For the tax office (ATO) and for child support. And especially the old ones for the ATO - are such bullshit - I didn't work these years I had three small children for heavens sake.
And the very pleasant lady at the Child Support office was so OPTIMISTIC about the chances of them recovering this money - and me just shaking my head wondering if I had anything strong in the house to drink. (Just kidding I still had the school taxi to run)
Blah - 15 years ago I said I would make private arrangements for the collection of child support. This was because his tax return said he earned nothing and therefore he only had to pay me $10 a fortnight. Hardly seemed worth getting the agency to collect that. And he actually paid it for a few years too. But it was $10! Three loaves of bread and a three litre carton of milk.
I like it when things just run easy. I like the fact the kids can see their father whenever and we don't fight. I like Christmas and birthdays together. My girlfriend M was telling me about a bloke who pays a shitload of money a month to his ex and never gets to see the kid, let alone phone calls or school reports.
Boy. He is gunna be mad.
Oh, frustrating! I hope it gets worked out smoothly, with as little paperwork as possible.
LOL, your boys'face looks like he just wants to crawl under that rock!!
Oh, the price we pay for a moment of pleasure, no?
Though I've been divorced eight years, my kids still ask if I'm happy I ever married their dad?
How the heck do you answer that honestly?
Oh heck yes, child, I love raising four kids alone!
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