On part of my travels I had obviously sat in the managers chair at Women's Health while talking to her about the report we sent off... the purse had worked itself behind the chair! Only one day without it! The phone call occurred just as I was leaving to go report it missing or stolen.
BUT - when I examined its contents... the card my mother gave me with the little candle on it and "I Love you. Mum." on the back is missing! I wonder where I lost that? (Mama - if your reading this that is a hint.. I need a new card with "I love You" written on the back. Thank you)
All that stress for nothing! Yippee and hooray. I took the finder of my purse a sunflower to say thanks. She looked rather shocked as I presented her with it. Maybe that was because it was all wet due to the lovely rain!
And - of course even the $100 was there! (Spent that already!)
Whew! That's great news.
What a relief!
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