Thursday, February 08, 2007

Helping Szelsofa

SzélsőFa has left a new comment on your post "A day at the races.":

I need some help, please! I am a member of a women's group and we are looking for expressions for pregnancy, being pregnant in different languages. The word itself is interesting AND the meaning of it. For example the Hungarian word 'várandós anya' means 'expectant mother', which is a neutral expression, but 'terhes anya' means 'a mother with burden' which does not sound so good. See what I mean? Can you help? Thanks!!!

Ok - how can we help with this? I don't think she means our awful terms like "up the duff" or a "bun in the oven"!

My brains not of any use to anyone today.


Melissa said...

Hmm. Up the pole? Knocked up? With child? Expecting?

Sorry, the first two sound suspiciously like up the duff or bun in the oven. My brains might not be of any use today either.

Melly` said...

I like "with child". It sounds nice don't you think?

Whenever I think about my twenties I just think of the words "OH God - I am pregnant AGAIN!"

Thanks Melissa. From the other Melissa.

Anonymous said...

"My spelling isn't bad, you fascist mouron, it's innovattive"
..... lol i had to post this for you melly, i stumbled upon it while looking for pregnant in french which is:
être enceinte - this is be pregnant, be with child, be expecting to Tom or perhaps your govt? how do they have records which do not exist stating that he pays you via monopoly money? but then again it is the govt and they have their magic ways eh. such a nasty inconvenience. glad i am not Tom ;-)

just me

SzélsőFa said...

Thank you. A complete entry for my question! I AM astonished!

And I suspect 'pregrant' is not focusing on the happy side of things as 'expecting a child' or 'with child' are?