Sunday, December 10, 2006

Catching up - the slack blogger

School holidays started last week for both my younger girls. Jane caught the train home on Sunday after a brief stay with her Dad... and she wants a job for the holidays. The financial independence her older sister has is very inticing... and hasnt been possible so far for Jane because she is at boarding school.

I worked last week (well - four hours a day) and now my work is pretty much finished until the 8th January or thereafter. After work I taxied Jane around to put in her applications, Resume and of course the cover letters at McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, IGA etc etc. If I have whinged about writing Resume's before for beloved friends over aged 30 - writing them for 14 and a bit year olds is even more difficult.

Jane arrived with a dismal wardrobe and it was necessary to find her clothes suitable for a job interview. I wanted plain black slacks and a nice top. The black slacks because many of the aforementioned employers do require black slacks ANYWAY... and her and my idea of what constitutes a nice top took many dismal (well for me) hours and shops..... The shops are complete mayhem with all the bloody holiday shoppers and I find shopping a miserable task even if I do have money to waste. Finally Jane and I found something we both liked. Her first interview is tomorrow at 10 am - and I will (of course) take pictures and go along and try very hard to just sit in the car and not peer threw the windows making gestures for her to sit up straight and smile.

Crap! I should of asked a friend to take her I guess.

Shopping with Jane was such a miserable task that I often came home not feeling like talking or even cooking. It has been a week. I get a bit cranky too because I get home from work to find Jane still in her pjs and the house a little messy. Anna and Jane "perform" for me... they fight constantly - and sometimes I find the drama just too exhausting.

It is me.. I am getting pedantic about things that dont really matter. I guess I just have worries of my own (holiday season, Christian about to have THREE WHOLE WEEKS AT HOME UNDER MY FEET IN MY WAY, we are going to run out of money quickly and that will make him more bored, my car is overheating and I think I have cooked the radiator - or something - doesnt matter... it will cost money!Tom (the kids sperm donor) and his family have actually COMPLAINED that I said.. you are all welcome to have Christmas lunch here with us but this year I am not driving up and doing all the cooking at Tom's house.... so my tongues rather sore from holding onto it.... (Three fooking years driving up to cook at a bachelors house who couldnt even remember to buy serviettes or matching fooking plates.... and he WHINGES constantly about my dogs being in his yard?)

Anna's hours have increased with school holidays so it is necessary for me to be on standby for lunches and uniforms ready etc. She can walk home during her breaks and its cheaper and healthier if I feed her. It took her a while but she has learnt that spending $10 a day on takeaway isn't as good as having Mum provide free hot food on demand. (All those years they accused me of cruelty because I couldnt afford didn't provide them with takeaway food. 'Cause all their friends Mum's provided takeaway food... EXCEPT ME!)

Wow - I make it sound as it has been a completely awful week.

It hasn't really. I have drafted a few art options for Anna's room. I have begun the painting of the white gloss trim around our postage stamp house. I roared laughing at the girls and their dismissal of all the wonderful ornaments for Christmas they once made and presented me so proudly. And I went with their wishes and we will buy brand new ones tomorrow. (Excepting one William made me that met approval after his complaints and my interference that it did actually fit with the chosen colour scheme)

It has been lovely to have Jane home and to talk to her. (The shopping events were however extremely miserable for me) Anna and her closest friends have been wonderful with their two hours dressing for one hour at the mall...M & L have lovely manners and are always a pleasure.

My girlfriend M has made careless comments about the girls and my wieght that has led to ... tension soothing... and my girls are so delightfully FUNNY when they are being bitches. There are moments when I am really not a good example in life. I am telling myself.. "Stop laughing, make the girls stop being nasty...." but for the life of me I cant. Then I have to pull faces at them to make sure they dont say anything horrid in front of......... oh... too hard sometimes. I completely see the girls point.. but I dont want them to be as mean?

Next Saturday is the purchase of the new boat motor - so Christian has been COMPLETELY USELESS (other than a few ways not suitable for here) because he has sanded back the boat trailers and one of the boats... and ... done stuff to them. I kinda listened and was present at some of the purchases at the hardware shop. Most of the time I was looking at other far more worthy stuff... and wishing men didn't have to do this stuff. He CHOSE to .. sand/grind make dreadful noises with hand held machines NEXT TO MY NEW GARDEN... so I caused a bit of an uproar when I turned on the sprinklers.

It rained every single night this week... and I got yelled at for watering the bloody plants. Sigh. Tonight he watered the plants himself and came inside to tell me he had done that. I wonder if men ever get it? They just don't do they?

I read plenty of blogs when I could. And M gave me a wonderful stack of old magazines. Years ago - I had a business wherein I could claim magazines as a tax deduction for decorating. At the end of the financial year I found I had spent almost $4k on the darn things. I love to read and look at pretty pictures. A couple of them (the blogs not the pretty pictures) really moved me.

The new BBQ! I used a 8.5 kilo gas tank in one week! Hahaa.... I really doubt this was the sensible money saver I thought it was going to be. But in August I purchased a new fridge and freezer assuming I would save money. And the next bill confirmed I hadnt. BUT - I cook a terrible lot. And my power bill is usually around $500 a quarter. So MAYBE... the power bill will be less. Like.. $30 a week less?

Ok - nope that probably isnt going to happen. More bills and most likely I will have to find full time work next year. Which causes a headache for kids sports, lifts, kid's afternoon tea (mine prefer hot fresh food) Anna's work, dog time (they hate being alone .. or I hate them being alone.. something like that), cleaning (which I am never going to get an award for) art time, lunch time, coffee with friends and strangers and crappy wine and nibblie nights. When I work full time I have to buy crap for wine and nibblie nights. They are more fun if I can spend a few hours or days preparing the food.

We have no debts at all. Whilst renting - not even a mortgage... and that feels so odd to me. The insurance, utilities etc all come in under $300 a month. And yet occasionally I feel so anxious about it? I dont have a bank ringing me all the time torturing me about the mortgage - I dont have three vehicles and a truck to remember the registration for and I am not finding nomination money every week........ And it was so long ago that I did have that? (If I am feeling sorry for Tom for heavens sake shoot me) I am not fretting about fodder and where to buy it from... (Wait a minute we have two cars and two boats and trailers and one trailer instead.... just not as expensive.. I still have to remember to pay the damn things)

Yet I still panic about money. I do nothing to earn more. I shun jobs that people tell me about. I am happy where I am. I hate too much change. The new boat motor will do Christian good. I kinda like boating too. Sometimes. Just not when it is hot and definately not when it is dangerous. Heaven knows he deserves SOMETHING for having to feed and support us for all my little kids lives.

There are reasons why I dont post huh? The dogs and the kids amused me as always. This week I should get some time back. But I plan to sleep in till almost 9 am every morning.

Anna is going to the Robbie William's concert this week. Go figure. William went to his first ever all night huge party. Jane is just dealing with me and my crankiness.

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