Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pleasant re-welcomings!

Today these wonderful little (oh no they grew so tall) people walked back into my life. Well - no... they romped and stomped and excited the dogs and made the entire house become vibrant and noisy.. and how they had grown! And the tales they chose to tell me.(And how they mended my newly broken heart and don't even know they did it)It has been eleven months since I last saw them.)Look at what the dogs do to under the sofa... i gotta get the britex this week.

And the IRONY.. when I had felt so hurt just Friday .... and these beautiful children...just marched up my steps today and yelled... "Mel!"

I couldnt take pictures because no one would stay still and somehow my dogs knew it was ok to chew on them. At first blood I made the dogs stop. Oh alright second blood. The first blood A and I agreed was his fault. You shouldnt pull your hand quickly out of a dogs mouth. But A has grown so tall... as has K and R... quit school.... I will talk to him more about that later and J was so congenial.

No matter what has happened.... and the story I have doesn't make much sense. The boys are becoming men and are still so lovely. I loved their mum once... but I dont feel worried for her. The kids seem too happy for it to be a bad thing?


LuSh said...

I told you there was love out there!

richardwatts said...

This makes me miss my two nieces, Cate and Sian, who live in Canberra and who I hardly ever get to see. *sigh*

Admittedly as much as I love them, it's always nice to be able to hand them back to their mum - kids are so exhausting!