Saturday, May 26, 2007

Birthday Party Exhaustion

The party is over.
Update - the promised video.

It is Anna you can hear dictating to the kids what they should do. This is at the very end - all the little kids had had a go and it was Reggie's turn. It was a heck of a lot of fun.
Hone, Bryce, Reggie, Blake, Mitchell T, Josh, Sam, Shane, Dean (and his little sister Jenny), Damien, Jesse, Cael, The Webber kids (Jackie Billy and Jacob) and the McGann kids (Hannah, Mitchell and Morgan) came along with Anna and William to celebrate William's thirteenth birthday.It is 8 pm now and I am left with just Blake, William, Reggie, Bryce, Sam, Hone and Mitchell. The house is much quieter. It is still rocking though. I am almost sure I said only Hone, Mitchell and Blake can sleep over. But I have been mistaken before.

I made a pinata - much fun and laughs. Many potential dangerous moments averted. Dotti the wonderdog took exception to children hitting a ball with a stick with a blindfold and created her own unique drama by trying to attack the sticks midair while the children tryed to hit it. She had to get locked inside. There is a video of it... I will try upload it later maybe.

I cant believe how tired I am! I meant to do more preparation last night after work but I forgot about soccer - and arrived home to a full house anyway of visitors...made food and rushed to soccer... came home and fell in a heap drank wine and fell asleep... to wake in a panic this morning.

Party day. And I need it to be perfect. My girlfriend rang to remind me she had ran into another of our girlfriends and invited them... and she said.. I figured that's fine because you always over cater... I had been avoiding said girlfriend because we broke her ski tube a month ago....

I said that's fine with a handful of flour and stirring batter the entire time on the telephone remembering I had forgotten to buy cream for the layer for the cake... She said - "Do you need anything?" and I said "no no.. its all fine"... I am such a liar.

The kids had a great time. My house is utterly trashed. My dogs look lovely with their glow necklaces. Dotti has chewed up a stick under the table. My dogs love a party.

Now had the Gurtins, Lomaxs, Hills, Mannings and Kovacics been here as well......

Parties are such fun. But I am so tired.


Melissa said...

Good God, woman! I don't know how you do it ...

Sounds like a lovely time, and please do upload the video!

Cazzie!!! said...

The more the merrier, the kids get along great in numbers...what fun :)

Trundling Grunt said...

Oh dear God that's a lot of kids. Even worse(?) it's a lot of boys. At least with girls there's a chance they might be persuaded to do something constructive but I'm amazed that the boys didn't use the stick to hit each other with. Have a drink. No, better, have lots of drinks.

SzélsőFa said...

Wow, you must be tired. I attended a party last night, and I am tired of it. Now I imagine how tiresome it must be to the host.
The video works only if the mouse hovers over it, but that is okay with me.

Unknown said...

Try out these Glow kids products while planning for a party for kids.They would really be amazed and excited with these glowing products.