Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I have been tagged

Littlemissy555 was playing a game of Chinese Freeze Tag and invited me to play. The rules are that I must write 10 interesting/strange things about myself or habits that I have. Once I have come up with my 10 things, it is my turn to tag 10 other people to do the same. There are no tag-backs, so if someone has already done this they are "safe" ;0). So, without further ado...*

1. I sleep eat. I sleep walk to the kitchen - prepare food and take it back to the bed. I used to think MOTH was the culprit of the disgusting food in our bed and cursed him mercilessly. It is definitely me who indulges in this..... weird thing. My dear sweet family have taken such lengths as to get photographs as evidence. I can wake up to a lamb chop on my pillow. I have not only made sure its cooked... but dressed it with mint jelly, horseradish cream and seasoned it before I take it back to the bed to half eat it. I will mix cream cheese with corn relish and take it back to bed with carefully cut celery sticks. I will remember nothing.

2. I don't like the dark. The absolute proof of this was back in 1985 when visiting the Mt Isa Mines the tour guide turned off the lights seven kilometres underground. That ten seconds still gives me nightmares and I still need lamps and nightlights. I think the dark freaked me out as a kid when I was told it was bed time and the door was closed. I used to lay afraid and wonder why the heck I couldn't have the light on and read or something until I was ready. Nowdays I annoy my kids with being unable to have the lights out. They are used to me now.. and simply shut my door so my light doesn't bother them.

3. Other peoples problems can sometimes worry me TOO much. I can make myself sick and overtired worrying about friends or family.

4. I like critters. Pretty much all critters. I don't kill spiders - they can live here so long as they obey the head high rule. I indulge lizards. Feed them and water them even. My dogs are spoilt utterly stupid and useless. Although I have learnt to like fishing, I still have my mad moments when I decide they have to live and must go back. It's probably the reason MOTH's mate doesn't invite me to join them fishing. I know most of the dogs names in our neighbourhood. I know few of the humans names.

5. I love to cook for my family and friends. I plan menus in my head all the time. I can be highly critical of friends who feed their kids utter crap. I am also incredibly proud of my friends who have taught their children the pleasure of munching on fresh sugar snap peas... I can be deceitful when I hear a friend say her child does not eat a certain something... and take a lot of effort to disguise that food to prove (only to myself) that the child DOES eat it.... (not an allergy of course.. a dislike.. an allergy I will bend with)

6. I am agnostic. I have had friends of different religions and can admire their faith and be respectful to their beliefs. I would fight for all of their rights to have those beliefs. But silently I suffer the utter bullshit connected to the beliefs...

7. I am completely aware that number 5 and 6 probably denotes me as not a very nice person...

8. Probably still alienating myself from people I like/love/admire and care for... I generally prefer dogs to humans. If I am gone for three hours or three days.. my dogs act like my homecoming is the greatest happening ever. They give me back exactly what I give to them. If the right wing christian stuff is true and animals don't go to heaven? why the hell would we want to go there anyway? I am way more tolerant of dogs than I am of humans.

9. I believe in environment awareness and conservation. I berate myself for my inadequacies - for instance I always forget my enviro bags at the supermarket. I firmly believe in protecting beautiful things for everyone. I think if I spoke my beliefs as often as I feel them... I would probably have no friends at all. Except for the dogs who always seem to learn that chasing roos, digging up the garden or tormenting lizards and birds does annoy me...... Ok - so they don't exactly STOP DOING IT... but they always act like they are ashamed when I catch them.

10. Boy - this is harder than I thought? I am pretty boring really I guess.. easily amused? I believe in the love of family and friends, good food, good (plentiful will do though) wine, surrounding yourself with simple options to make you happy, everyone should have good sex and... ummm.... I really suck at memes?

Ok you are meant to tag someone. I can't possibly. I don't mind being tagged myself. But I loath the thought of me bugging someone when I shouldn't. So - tag yourself and just do it. I found it a bit scary because I worry half the blogs I like to read the writers will all ban me forever for what I have written. Always take what I say with a grain of salt. Nah... fook it pickle me. My butt hurts.

*Melissa tagged me too... and I probably should of plagiarised her huge disclaimer! It was great.


littlemissy555 said...

I love your list! Thank you for playing along ;0) I find that I get along much better with dogs too. You don't sound boring at all by the way ;0)

Melissa said...

Fook it pickle me? I love it! Don't know exactly what it means (though I think I understand it in context), but I love it!

Sorry I forgot that Missy tagged you - Jesus, do you realized that's three of us Missy/Melly/Melissas jumbled up right there?

Your number one blows my mind. Could you bake me a cake next time? I still remember that one recipe ...

SzélsőFa said...

I read all the way.
Number 1 made me laugh and utterly amused at the same time. This is fascinating, although a bit of annoying. Really annoying, to think about. Very strange.
Numbers 5 and 6 denote you a thoughtful, caring and wonderful person, let me assure you.

I have just finished a phobia-meme, so I'm unsure if this entry of yours makes me feel tagged, but I admire for giving us the freedom to feel being tagged or not. I really don't like being tagged, but now there's the option.

you know what?
We (you and me) have been doing something very similar again. You, writing aboout your strange habits and beliefs and me, writing about my strange phobias. Can you feel the similarity?