Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

The past two weeks we have been delighted to have our friends Joy, Aaron and Micci join us on our excursions and sleepovers. (So - we forgot the sleep thing - this happens) They have had to visit their other friends and family - so we have only had them maybe 1/3 of the time. I am in the unique situation with Joy .. that it is not necessary for me to hide my jealousy or disappointment when they leave to attend their other obligations. She doesn't mind at all that I say "I don't want you all to leave and hurry up back."

Polite people probably don't say that.

On the weekend we played in the garden and she bought me a beautiful kaffir lime tree. It is my birthday present. MOTH made me a new home for it and some herbs... and I will show you all that later.

Anna's camera has had a glitch - so these photos are all taken with Joy's camera. I gave my camera to my Mama a while ago... and it wont be long before we have Anna's camera back. Fuji film have been brilliant to us on warranties and assistance. That does warrant another post. Maybe later.

So Sunday - we all head out to Awoonga to play. And the critters were happy to oblige for our photos. I had to get Anna to cheer leading practise at 2.30pm so my day was cut short. But MOTH was happy to drive Joy and the kids around the lake in the boat. I was pissed off at the cheer leading practise on Sunday at 2.30pm and so wish the coach would get a life. Why not have it early morning or late afternoon? Why insist on breaking up a perfectly good Sunday - notwithstanding a Mother's day - with a mid-afternoon practise?
But - Joy got these pictures. The pretty faced wallaby watching them - I think he is saying "You are disturbing MY day"... but anyway....

The water dragon who doesn't give a rats ass... anyway......

The Jabiru - who finally THEY see (I still have not seen her/him?)

But who explains the mystery of who lives here... which I have pondered before on previous visits... here....
Micci's gorgeous smile.... as she is chauffeured around the lake...

Birds are not stupid in where they choose to live. I too would live on the banks of Awoonga quite happily.
The lillies for all to admire...

The Pelicans of course....

Saturday night after work Anna left to attend a party full of beans and life....

But come Mother's Day celebrations at Awoonga she mostly kept to the hammock in the picnic shelter....
William and Aaron act like they have not been separated by time and distance for over 3 years and just naturally fall into their patterns... Such wonderful boys. Such wonderful times.


SzélsőFa said...

It is always a delightful surprise to look at your photos of Nature, Melly... Your outer world is so different from our nothern one...yet, just as much beautiful :)

Temperature has hit the 30's today (centigrade) here - way too high for me ....

Melissa said...

Beautiful pictures, Melly. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends - it's hard to let them go!

Happy Mother's Day to you.

Trundling Grunt said...

Oh my, the lilies are beautiful.

GaBrie||A said...

Hollllyyyy.....Joy/Melissa - that is some wild hair on top of Aaron's head lol. Fantastic! Joy told me that the Jibarui (sp) are the ones that build those awesome topiary looking nests. Great pics of all. Miss you my friend. What has kept you too busy to natter with me in the early hours eh?
As always - hugssss

Anonymous said...

Roxanne said... What has kept you too busy to natter with me in the early hours eh?

Errr... I think that would be

Joy :)