Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My first week working in childcare - some observations

Things I learnt this week. My first ever stint of employment in the childcare industry.

 Never wear a skirt to kindy. Small children just think a skirt is another place to stick their heads into or hide. It can be alarming to suddenly find a three year old in between your legs. I wont be making that mistake twice.

 Never decide to ignore a three year old playing with your shoe laces. Took me ages to get that mess undone. Actually I gave up and cut the laces shorter. Finding scissors in a safety conscious childcare centre is a bit of a disaster too. Remind me to buy new laces. Stuff it - I need Velcro.

 When you put a glove on and hold a tissue to a toddler’s nose and say “Blow” – they blow AFTER you remove the tissue. (Good grief!)

 Never humour a child in the sandpit that you are willing to eat imaginary sand food. Suddenly a dozen small children also want to feed you or put it in your lap. One wrong turn of your head and mouth and sand is gunna get in there. Matter of fact – I endeavour to not return into the sandpit if I can possibly avoid it.

 Loving parents (myself included in years gone by) carefully pack beautiful food for their beloved angels. Most of this food ends up on the floor or squished into their neighbours hair during meal times. Simple rules like no feet on the table during meal time can be extremely difficult. One tub of toddler yogurt can spread an incredible long way.

 Grapes used as spit missiles are extremely fun for toddlers. Not so hygienic maybe…. But heck their giggles are hard not to smile at as you tell them it is not acceptable.

 The children that cause you the greatest grief and headaches are the ones picked up the latest. The dear little ones who follow your instructions and try hard to please you will go home first.

 As a parent understand that you WILL forget toddler speak. I don’t understand a word they are trying to tell me.

 Beware of the little girl holding the National Geographic magazine at story time. She wants a story about the “rudy nudie man holding the spear and the turtle” no matter how much you try to encourage them to pick “Dorothy the Dinosaur”. It will take seconds before all the kids want the “rudy nudie man” too. I haven’t had a chance to read policy and procedure on that yet.

 Cuddles from small children are very nice.


Just Me said...

“rudy nudie man”

Can I tell that story please? hee hee

Cazzie!!! said...

Yep, I love dropping Mia off at creche/kinder, and I cannot wait to go pick her up to find out what she has learned and then what the Staff learned from her also :)

SzélsőFa said...

I loved that post. What are you doing with kids, btw?
How long will this last?

Melly` said...

J - Hell yeah You tell them that story!

Cazzie - It certainly brings back memories for me too!

SzélsőFa - I don't know how long it will last - I need more work and this came along. I don't hate it - and I work to provide better for my family. They hinted at free training too - I like the idea of learning (or obtaining the wretched pieces of paper) for free.

little things said...

Aw, how I envy your new job! I used to work with children, and I really miss it...