Sunday, May 27, 2007

Figuring out the videos

I dont seem to have done what I am meant to to put the video on the blog.

I used - that I have seen work perfectly on other peoples blogs. I also never read instructions which... could be another fault of mine.

So - HERE is the link to the video of the kids at the demise of the pinata.

I love watching it because I know what happened. And the video was made by Anna's phone... (I will sneak that story in soon) and she is hollaring in the background. That was actually the last hits. The small children went first and Reggie is... taller and more athletic than most of his peers so it was always deemed his turn to be last. The dogs got put inside.. children got ordered to hold their collars - but always they escaped and wouldnt stay out of the action.

The kids never listened to the instructions to wait till an adult said it was ok to run into the area to get the goodies. Christian is aka MOTH. The biggest kid. My girlfreinds and I are in the background .... waiting and hoping no one gets hurt.

No kid missed out on treats. Only paper mache pretend soccer balls were harmed in the making of this story. I know dogs should not eat chocolate - but this was a special occasion. Watching the video reminds me how Blake's brand new shirt got the holes in it. Dotti .... did that. When he was blindfolded with the stick. I wonder if I should tell his mother....

She didnt seem THAT upset when she commented on the holes under his arm on the brand new shirt. And a kid did hold Dotti for the next five hitters....


Just Me said...

Great story :)
and Yeppers.. when you figure out the video adding... fill me in please :)

SzélsőFa said...
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SzélsőFa said...

For me, pinatas are kind of extremely strange and horrible things. I found a nice video that depicts the loneliness and desperation of a pinata animal and I will post it for you.
But don't get me wrong - if it is a tradition you and everyone around there likes, then have fun! I am able to see it as a source of fun, and I acknowledge it as a kind of fun, but I would never ever do such a thing.

SzélsőFa said...

I posted the link to the short film I mentioned in my comment above. I was unable to embed the film itself, arrghhh... * shakes fists towards Blogger, Atomfilms and to the world in general*
- just kidding with the latter.