Thursday, May 10, 2007

I think a spider bit my butt....

Monday night I decided not to bother the MOTH by entering the bedroom and scratching around trying to find my bedclothes (you can read that as.. if i woke him I would be encouraging activities that I was not quite ready for at that time) and instead... go find something from the clothesline.

It must be part of the being a mother stuff the need to dress. You see - our beloved guests had left to go to their next adventure... and so I happily chose to walk bare assed to the clothes line to find the boxer shorts in the dark. Found them - walked inside... and sat next to Rocky the beloved wonderdog on the sofa... when something stung my butt. I slapped it a little.. had a scratch and drank the remainder of my glass of wine and headed to bed.

Comatose or sleep... whateva....

Anyway. Next morning at least 20 bites (Ask Joy and MOTH - I insisted on showing them both. The kids all declined to view. ALL those times I viewed their sore asses? Motherhood can be so damn selfless)

So - it burnt and itched.. and I put some cream on them.... But the sting turned into dull pain... and the swelling grew. Yesterday I had symptoms of both nausea and aching joints. Today it was a little worse. If it is still affecting me tomorrow I will go to the doctors but I guess if it is one of the bad spiders.. I left it too late.

And in future.. aftermidnight I am so not gunna worry about finding bloody boxer shorts.


littlemissy555 said...

Oh that's awful! I hope your bum is feeling better soon ;0)

Trundling Grunt said...

No pictures?????? Damn.

What flavour would you recommend for a spiderpop?

Melissa said...

Ow, ow, ow! Achy joints and nausea is not a good deal - do get yourself checked out. If you made it this far I'm sure you're fine, but better safe than sorry.

Boysenberry said...

Maybe waking MOTH would have been the better option...

Cazzie!!! said...

OMG, huggs to you. My friend got bit by a white tail spider on the butt when she was in bed asleep. I hope you will recover soon, it is a shit of a thing to have :(

SzélsőFa said...

Hi there Melly, I've put up an English-subtitled version of the same song.
If you like what you hear, I can post more of the same singer - her voice is just great.