Sunday, May 28, 2006

Guess what.. more fishing posts!

Yes - we went fishing today. I guess we could be the most consistently boring people in Australia.

Me- What will we do today?

Him - We could play adult games all day?

Me - No, sorry that ones not possible today.

Him - We could go fishing?

Me - What a splendid idea!We should take one of the dogs!

Oh well... it doesn't take a terrible lot to amuse me. Rocky was absolutely terrified. He despises water. (Except to drink out of the toilet bowl of course) He pointed at the land and told us in no uncertain terms he wasn't very happy to be there. At the boat ramp Christian had to carry him down the muddy slippery slope and I had to hold on to him until we got away from the bank.

He was however amused when we caught the puffer fish. (Or any fish.. he likes that bit) Ok so the pictures blurry - I so always miss the good photos or make them blurry? I need a new digital camera that can not only take the picture when I hit the button... but also adjust for whatever shakes are affecting me at the time.Pretty amazing critters huh?
Anyway - we are coming around the corner of our little creek and who do we come across - our neighbours Paul (human) and Moose (dog)! It is possible Moose is Rocky's father. There is also the possibility Digger or another dog is Rocky's father. Mongrel dogs in this area all look kinda similar. Rocky and Moose don't like each other at all. Both dogs raise their hackles and act tough. Both dogs are completely aware there is water between them and so no actual fight can happen. I am thinking a moat around our houses could be a very good idea.
We caught enough summer whiting for dinner. I took a picture of them before I steamed them but I was so hungry I forgot to take another picture when they were cooked. Anyways, they were delicious.

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