Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The wonderful, good,bad or boring and the ultimate in ugly!

I do love blogging - both reading and writing. Some blogs are so amazingly funny, so real - so - oh I can feel what he/she means? Some informative. Some have fantastic pictures. I always love the ones who have cats and children who are almost always good. The ones who have art projects and finish them threw!

But Anna's blog was poignant in that when she went to find blogs of her own that I hadn't pointed her too .. all she found was crap. I found some hideous crap tonight. And it is ironic how something so pleasurable can become so miserable? I did think of pasting the wankers link here to.. highlight it? ... but then again the person is so now worthy? But the real comment that irked me ... was... urghhh no I just read more of the dribble. Some people are just horrible.

That is just life. You are not going to avoid them at 7 1/2 yrs, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 etc. No matter how hard you try. Always dreadful fookers are gunna come out and invade your space. Or say or do something that is going to make your head reel... your eyes roll and your wholde self become tense. As far as I can see it the best way to .. avoid it? is to just associate with the ones you know you prefer. And the rest of the time watch the clock.. it wont be all that long till we get home.

And anytime you see some dickhead condone rape of a 16 year old because their parents had cannibis on the premises........ dont get upset about it? ahh bugga.

K - I have to be up early and its late again.

1 comment:

spazzy said...

There is a blog my housemate and I both read and are continually flabberghasted by. It's trite and high and mighty, the writer sees only in black and white.. things are on or off for her, up or down and nothing in between. We are often amazed by her coldness to people and at times plain cruelty. None-the-less, we both read this blog consistently. It's written well and is easy to read (particularly when you're just waiting for something else to be outraged by!).. and some times we comment to each other, did you see what she wrote today and we talk about it. I guess what i'm trying to say, is that even the people who you don't actually like (in blog-land) have something to offer.

In saying that, i have had to resist the urge many times and not write a detailed commentry on some of her posts on my own blog, pulling them apart and picking at everything i don't like about her. But no. I wouldn't appreciate it if someone did that to me (though i would be somewhat amused by it).. so i just lurk in silence, and sometimes make a sarcastic comment, which she invariably doesn't understand.

This is long. I'm going!